
Sunday 7 July 2013

Loving Life Right Now

Feeling on a high right now - everything is good (which makes a change because usually I have something grumble about)!

Have had a really fantastic weekend after a long hard week at work (hence no blog update since last Tuesday). 

I broke the spending ban PROPERLY this time and all for the sake of a £2 pair of Kurt Geiger trainers. The story in simple numbered bullet points goes like this:

  1. TK Maxx sent me a promo 'we have a sale' email
  2. I ignore it - I am on a spending ban
  3. TK Maxx send me another promo 'we have even bigger discounts now' email
  4. I'm bored at work so think it would be ok just to look
  5. SUCKED RIGHT IN and saw these  (they were £39.99 when I fell in love last week) and bought them as I have a £20 TK Maxx giftcard from the BritMums Live Conference last month. Gift card was not accepted online so I figured I'd take them to my local store for a refund - £39.99 and then buy back there and then again WITH my gift card.
  6. Started to write about them on Avenue 57 and went to get the link for a show and tell and nearly fell over backwards, they were now ONLY £22 so with the gift card that means £2! So I ordered them AGAIN and now am awaiting their delivery next week.
  7. I will return in-store the ones that arrived on Friday
  8. I will wait for the £22 ones to arrive on Tuesday
  9. I will take back in-store the new £22 ones and then buy back IMMEDIATELY using my gift card - RESULT!

I'm exhausted just typing that so if you lost interest on bullet point 4 I understand!

What have I been wearing? I am now 38 days into my 100 day no repeat style challenge and going so strong - I do reckon I will pass 100 days with flying colours and then I shall just see what it takes to not repeat an outfit and for how long after the 100 days I can do it ....

Dress on left - Debenhams (ancient)
Shoes - Faith (even older)

Top on right - one of mine from the shop
Jeans - Debenhams (VERY old)
Shoes - Somewhere in Tenerife years ago

Dress - H&M (old)
Shoes - Deichmann (old)
Necklace - one of mine from the shop

Dress - ME+EM currently in the sale
Sandals - Next

Went to see Daniel Radcliffe in The Cripple of Inishmaan - it was urm well it was ok! Best thing was boozy lunch with best friend before hand - we drank so much we nearly missed the start of the play and it was so hot that we both nodded off!

I'll make every apology now for not blogging much, the boys have broken up from school, I have the day job to juggle with the boys but I will try and get back to normal service as soon as possible.

Anyone else like a pig in poo with the weather?



  1. Love that Me&Em dress - fantastic for this lovely weather. I'm not blogging as much at the moment...more important to spend time with the kids and this weather is not very blog-friendly anyway....would much rather be outside :) Have a great week my friend, Axx

    1. Agreed - needs must and we don't get the weather often so it's time to invest in the family!
      Speak soon :-)


  2. I am gobsmacked that you can still wear something different everyday .. and still look so fantastic? At this point I would have resorted to The Child's old dressing up box in the attic!!! Loving the weather at the moment .. lots of sunbathing going on which is doing wonders for my skin, so yeah! Pig in Poo here too :)

    1. LOL at the kids dressing up box - oh yes, I can see me now in a knights costume!

      YAY to the weather and helping you out with the skin - that's GREAT!!!

  3. 38 days already that's mental!! Thought it was only about 20! Good going! Loving that silvery top from your shop as well as your necklace. That me + em dress is stunning, I'm really craving a jersey dress at the mo after seeing them on a few blogs- aarrgghh I really need to stop reading blogs, I want everything!

    I'm blogging less at the minute too, not child related but work related- snowed under !! X

    1. Glad someone can relate to lack of blogging - it's hard trying to keep up.

      The ME+EM dress is brilliant for dress up and dress down

  4. Hi there! Loved your Kurt Geiger story, perseverance pays off! Love your outfits, you're doing really well with working your wardrobe and you've some lovely summer pieces! xx

    1. Thank you Sharon. Can't wait to wear more now the sun is out!
      Hope you had a great w/end


  5. I broke mine with a £2 dress from H&M, it's less than what you'd spend on lunch, so doesn't count! Can't wait to see them x

    1. If I use that rule then I'll be good to spend yes?!!

  6. I can't believe you haven't had any outfit repeats either. It'll be really interesting to see how long you can go on for!I also love the Me+Em dress. I hadn't heard of them until I read your blog.
    Enjoy the summer hols. 2 weeks left until my two break up. I can't wait! xxx
    Liz xxx

    1. I am ashamed to admit that I could do this for months - ie not repeat! Last time was 5 months - that's a LOT of days!!!!

      I wish I could look forward to the hols but it's a constant juggle of work and kids - the downside of working for yourself I guess?!!!
