
Monday 26 August 2013

Katie Holmes - ankle socks and shoes


I really couldn't just look at this and not write about it. It's not right - on any level (according to me). I would LOVE to see if you have pulled off the ankle sock/shoe look with style - please email me if you have -

Source: Daily Mail

EDIT - one day later - she was wearing this whilst filming, this is not her usual style - phew!

I have had an amazing weekend! On Friday my family (husband and 2 boys) left at lunch to go and see family in Torquay. I decided that I really couldn't be bothered to work so I just literally lay on the sofa watching crap TV - I NEVER WATCH TV let alone crap TV! I thoroughly enjoyed, Home & Away, Neighbours and The Millionaire Matchmaker - seriously - all 3 were CRAP EPIC.

On Saturday I went to see my friends from my University years - I love seeing them so much. One now lives in Qatar so to have her back was just amazing. 5 girls in a barn, no children, no men and 10 bottles of fizz. We all met 1pm and had drunk ourselves sober by 7pm!

Top - H&M (old)
Skirt- New Look £9 (current sale)
Shoes - Dorothy Perkins £20 Sale

Got home Sunday to more time alone as family didn't arrive back for a few more hours (watched Come Dine With Me - that is seriously crap!) and enjoyed a cool beer on my own.

Jumper - one from my shop that has sold out now
Jeans - Sainsbury's
Shoes - Converse (old)

Monday, what a fab day! Just one of those perfect days. I was relaxed because I hadn't seen them all w/end. Husband was relaxed because I was back on hand to help out if needed. Children were relaxed because we were relaxed and everything was on their terms. Golfing range, lunch, park, good food and happy times!

So, what is your guilty pleasure on the box? Please tell me someone remembers Toady from Neightbours (he's still in it!) and Irene from Home & Away (she's still in it!!)



  1. YES. You are right. NO NO NO NO NO! X

    1. I did wonder if anyone would say 'Fiona, you are so wrong here, she looks so cool' and then I would have cried!

  2. Agree Katie looks pathetic, just like SJP in her Hasbeens and socks! Sounds like you have had a fab weekend, so nice to have some time on your own with old friends xx

    1. My sister, who lives in LA and loves to analyse anything, would have something to say about this look I know she would!

      I have NEVER EVER liked this kind of look - I genuinely would love to eat my words if someone can show me a pic of someone looking good!

  3. I agree - no! What is she thinking!!? Sounds a lovely relaxing chill out time - envious much! X

  4. Ew yes - the ankle socks look awful! Especially with those one strap shoes - but what am I saying... would look awful with anything. Except maybe on Alexa Chung - she can make anything 'work' seemingly.

  5. What is she filming?? The wardrobe crew have a lot to answer for. I agree, this is not a look that I've ever seen done well ... even on Britney!

  6. i just love the real housewives series, I have not a clue who any of them are, but 10 minutes of vacuous conversation in and I'm hooked!

  7. LOL @ the crap TV! I did just that 2 days ago! KH looks like Lucie Mable from the knees down! Ax

  8. Agree, the socks and sandals look does not suit her! It can look good tho, but it's a tricky trick to pull off (or up!): length of sock, type of sandal, attitude and bit of luck!
    Can I please ask - where are your shorts from, as per your last photo, they look gorgeous on you, colour, style, length... really fab!
