
Monday 9 September 2013

100 Day Style Challenge Completed

Back at the end of May I decided to give myself a challenge. Could I wear what I owned for 100 days without repeating an outfit? I also (stupidly) tried a 100 day spending ban - EPIC FAIL after just 28 days!

So, was it easy to look in my wardrobe and wear something different every day? Yes it was. Incredibly so. The main reason being I own a lot of clothes. Second reason, the UK weather is so mixed up that summer clothes are only worn very rarely and it's more Spring/Autumn that comes into play a lot in June/July/August.

On to some of my favourite outfits in no particular order

What this really highlights is ... I have not one signature style! I do wear lots of different things depending on what I am doing and what the weather is doing more importantly!

Lots of other women post what they where every day - have you uploaded your look to Avenue 57 yet?

How long could you go, day to day, without repeating what you wear?



  1. this is a very interesting idea!!

  2. Such a great idea - I agree, I don't think I have one signature style either really as I dress for what I'm doing and the weather.

    I finally registered on the Avenue57 OOTD site, been meaning to do it since you commented on my blog weeks ago :)

    1. YAY another new recruit!
      Did you just post with the yellow jacket? Looks amazing

  3. Good on you girl - you did great! And you don't need a signature look because everything looks amazing on your amazonian figure x

  4. What this highlights is that you have an incredible wardrobe. You basically looked epic every day.

    1. Thank you, that's a lovely thing to read (says me in my socks and slippers and fleece at it's cold!)

  5. Wow. I have a lot of clothes but I couldn't even contemplate doing the challenge because I am such a creature of habits and like to resort back to my tried and tested comfort items. But well done you!

  6. That's amazing. I couldn't have done that, as I don't have enough clothes. It's interesting that you don't have a signature style - I think Avril is right. With a figure like yours, everything looks good, so you can afford to play around with different styles and looks

  7. You look fab in every outfit Fiona. Your figure is amazing. It is lovely to see all the different styles. You must have the mother of all wardrobe! Love Liz xxx

  8. You look fab in every outfit Fiona. Your figure is amazing. It is lovely to see all the different styles. You must have the mother of all wardrobe! Love Liz xxx

  9. I can't believe you completed 100 days! That's amazing & good on you! I'm with Sue & often reach for my old favourites! I also clear my cupboards out often as I've never had the space to store it all! Hopefully I'll be able to hang onto things now as we have an attic sitting empty! :) Ax

  10. Fab looks - I love the first strippy dress best but all looks are fab! Am so impressed you stuck to it;)
