
Thursday 5 September 2013

School Run Style

After 9 weeks of summer holidays my two boys went back to school.

I love my children, but I do love it when they are at school, *my* life gets back to normal and I can slip back into a routine WITHOUT interruption!

I worked out last night what I was going to wear so it was really easy to get ready this morning. Alarm off at 6am, out of bed at 6.15 and everyone ready to go by 7.30. Except we don't need to leave until 7.50 so I was able to quickly tidy up and straighten the house so when I walked back in at 4pm it was nice and neat.

I felt really nice in my outfit today and yet it's so simple if broken down:
Skirt - Avenue 57 Shop
Necklace - Avenue 57 Shop (sold out)
Vest Top - Target (10 years ago)
Denim Jacket - TK Maxx (similar from River Island)
Shoes - Primark (ancient)

My two little boys make an appearance dressed nice and smart for their first day back.

Other women have been wearing other gorgeous outfits as we all get back into the routine of term time.

What did you wear on your first school run?



  1. Hi there! A great stylish, casual look for back to school and your boys look so smart too!! No more school runs for me, my youngest is 14 so he trotted off this morning while I gave hubby a lift in to work!! I'll be back in to my beloved jeans when the weather cools!! xx

    1. I can't wait for the day that mine go off to secondary school!
      JEANS DAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!

  2. You look great, I swear that every year the mums get more stunning and cooler, the new first year mums seem to all be supermodels in Isabel Marant styled outfits.

    1. WOW our school isn't like that at all! Normal mums like me wearing normal clothes. I would hate it if everyone was super dressed up!

  3. You look so glam! Eeek! Now I feel I should have scrubbed up more. I wore jeans and a white top (makes mental note to try harder tomorrow).

    And you must be so proud of your boys - they look so smart. I love it when uniforms have ties. My boys school doesn't have a tie as part of their uniform. Gutted.

    1. I was so pleased with the formal option - I'm a bit of a uniform snob!!

      It's just a vest top and skirt but all black does make it look nicer than if it were any other colour

      Today jeans and wellies!!!!

  4. Looking good! Great boob shot too ;)
    I made an effort the first day the kids went back but that was more for a press morning I had that morning too! Today I was in my tracksuit for a long walk after I left them all off. Lovely to get some time to myself to think! x

    1. I always think of you when I think of my boob shots :-)!

      Today I am in jeans and wellies!

  5. You look fab Fiona!! No need for me to get so dressed up for the carpool line here but I go off to work after wards so it still needs planning the night before. You look comfortable and stylish and the boys look so smart! Just wait till they come home with holes in their sweaters and their shirts untucked and socks around their ankles:)
