
Wednesday 16 October 2013

Packing for a trip to LA

YAWN .... if I'm NEVER bored of me turning 40 then you really must be! I can't actually promise that this is the last I speak of it because the truth is I am going to celebrate on EVERY occasion that comes my way until I turn 41!

On Friday I fly to LA. Logistics have deemed it impossible for the husband to take me to the airport. I do not want to valet park because the drive home is hell on earth and I want to be picked up and driven home (by family) so I will start my journey via a taxi/train/bus and then plane.

I already know I will not sleep Thursday night - I never do before a flight and the fact the taxi is arriving at 7.20am means I DOUBLY won't sleep at all (fear of over sleeping means I will be awake all night!).

Here's a rambling thought process and photos of outfits. I won't blog again for a few weeks so this is it - the last for while (don't sigh a sigh of relief .. that's not kind!).

Packing and weight limits on British Airways
When did BA say you could only take 23kg on as standard baggage??? That's just 3kg heavier than the cheap airlines.  NOT HAPPY. I am lucky that I don't have to take any toiletries as my sister has all that covered but even still I am struggling with keeping it under control.

Note to self: REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER YOU WILL SHOP OUT THERE ............... but also remember you have to bring it home too!

Blagging a free upgrade on BA
I have a friend who is senior crew on British Airways. She has done all that she can to get me a free upgrade but at the end of the day I cannot compete with the £12k+ (if return ticket were booked today!) price tag a first class ticket will cost you.  So here are my top tips to blagging an upgrade:

1: Arrive on time. When they say 3 hrs before check in for a long haul flight they mean it
2: Dress smartly - this is the BIGGEST part of my dressing dilemma (what with the having to pack lightly I couldn't JUST have a SINGLE OUTFIT just for travelling
3: Smile - seriously! If you approach the check in desk and smile then it's going to be better than the miserable stressed person who's behind you.
4: If all else fails, just ask for what you want - this is what I'll be doing 9am on Friday morning!

Travelling in:
Wax coated skinny jeans - Oasis
Black round neck jumper - Sainsbury's
Big Bertha - Avenue 57 Pop Up Shop
Black Blazer - Long Tall Sally
Animal Print shoes - TK Maxx

Things were are doing - not sure what I'm wearing for what:

  • Shopping - outlet mall
  • Shopping - normal mall
  • Shopping - any other store I want to find and shop in
  • Wine Tour
  • Welcome party for me hosted by my sister
  • A friends daughters 7th birthday party
  • Soccer match
  • Pedicure
  • Bike ride
  • Walking/exercise

It's 80 degrees out there right now but we're not sun lovers and the air con is fierce in home/car/mall/restaurant so I'm packing layers and my faithful denim jacket for good measure.

I'm also super giddy to be flying on the new Airbus A380 (our family have a LONG history in aviation and so things like this get me very excited #nerd)

See you on the other side folks and enjoy the next few weeks, I know I will!



  1. As far as I can remember 23kg has always been the BA or any other airline limit... You CAN take up to 32kg but they may make you pay for anything over the 23kg. I always take more but don't think I've had to pay more than once or twice and I fly a fair bit so you can always take your chances ;-) I'm very excited for you and hope that we'll be seeing some sunny LA pics on your return!

    1. Oh that's great to know for the return visit!!! I may take a few photos along the way but it'll be nice to take a break too!


  2. Some great outfits here Fiona & fingers crossed for the upgrade! Have a wonderful time & looking forward to hearing all about it on your return xx

  3. It's bring a a smile to my face sitting in the rain, looking at all your summer outfits, the weather is good somewhere in the world!

  4. Have a super time, best of luck getting an upgrade!x

  5. If anyone can blag their way into an upgrade ... you can!! Have an absolutely wonderful time. Can't wait to hear all about it x

  6. Oh I do hope u manage to wangle an upgrade! How brilliant would that be to top of your 40th! Have a great time Fiona, and take plenty of pics to make us jealous with! Safe journey! X

  7. Have a wonderful trip and finger crossed you turn left when entering that A380! Xx

  8. Have a wonderful, wonderful time Fiona. Eek out you 40th birthday as long as you can. (I'm planning to keep mine going until my husband turns 40 in November (2014)!!. Safe journey. I can't wait to read all about it xxx

  9. Hi there! Looks like you've packed a perfectly stylish suitcase! Have a wonderful time and so hope you get your upgrade xxx

  10. You're actually going to a 'soccer' match lol - no footy - would love to see you yelling on the touchline!:)

  11. I'm impressed you got that case packed! But to be honest, I'm so jealous of your holiday I don't want to hear all the fab things you get to do - however, I do want to hear about any shopping you do while there!! Have a great time;)

  12. Now that looks like some super packing! Enjoy & can't wait to hear all about it x
