
Friday 7 February 2014

What I bought in January ...

... since the December sales when I ONLY bought a coat, a pair of boots and a dress, I have bought

I want to say it's because I am making an effort not to spend. The truth is I am having to NOT spend on clothes because I want to spend my money on other things. I have come to a point where I have pretty much everything I need and to buy more is just a variation on a theme. It's taken me years to get to this point and it's only in the past 6 months that I have decided that the pot of money I have (for me and selfishly for me) can be spent on either clothes or flights to see friends and family. I had an absolute blast in LA in October for my birthday and I would love to be able to hop on a plane again this Autumn. The thing is the family want to come too so that's £2500 on flights. If I don't buy (or think VERY WISELY about spending) clothes then perhaps I can raise that money and pay for us all. I also have a best friend in Qatar that I want to go and see, a friend's 50th next year with talk of Dubai for a break (this really is out of my price range for a w/end but it's fun pretending!).

Here I am today in my comfort zone.
Jumper - TK Maxx
Jeans - TK Maxx
Boots - Next

How is everyone else getting on with either spending or not spending? Do you find it hard? I've found just logging in to my bank account each day is helping curb my desire to spend!



  1. *sulky face* I hate being frugal and good. But sadly *heavy sigh* needs must ... and with a birthday party (The Child becomes The Teen!), and a school trip to pay for this month along with my forthcoming jaunt to London, I have no choice but to be good. Awfully boring though, isn't it??!!

    1. It's very boring I agree. I am becoming so dull with it too!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. nice jersey - love the colour and the sparkles on the shoulders

  3. Why would you need to shop Fiona when you have 98 pairs of jeans? You must have every style, shape and colour ever invented. Absolutely love that colour on you. So fresh and youthful x

    1. Now now Donna it's not 98, it was 43 but I opened another random drawer last night and found 8 more pairs - SHHHIIIIIIITTTTTT!

  4. LOVE the color of the jumper!!! I do not believe you - how the hell did you do it?

    1. I have ZERO spare cash to spend - it's really rather easy!
      If I had money in the bank to spend then trust me, I would not be doing this!

  5. You have plenty to keep you motivated throughout Frugal February and beyond! I am finding it easy as I have the wedding expenses but I have earmarked a few bits for March. Those holidays will create more memories than new clothes ever can x

  6. Go for it! If I have something to save for then its easier for me to curb the spending & you have some wonderful goals there too! You also have some lovely clothes to keep you going too! Spring will be here soon & digging out your S/S clothes is always fun & its like finding new stuff all over again! Ax
