
Monday 10 March 2014

A disaster at TK Maxx

Last Friday I had to go to M&S to pick up my cobalt blue shoes I had on order - I was SO super excited. They were perfect on the website, correct heel height, colour and price!

But they didn't fit my foot - I'm guessing I have a high instep because the gaping hole to be seen from a mile away was THERE starting at me

The heel was coated in a metalic film which I thought would snag and look cheap quite quickly. I am still REALLY gutted because I am too tight to pay £85 for these beauties but I think I might have to because my desire is becoming too strong! What do you think about the heel on these? High enough? I'm not sure, looks more like a kitten heel to me.

So feeling sad and glum I headed to TK Maxx in the little hope that they might have some shoes for me (stopped at New Look, TopShop and H&M along the way - no joy).  Not only did TK Maxx NOT have any shoes of any description for me they also made me look bloody stupid in the changing rooms. I know it's my fault for drinking too much wine and scoffing on sweets but I have to blame someone (I'm of the blame culture generation after all)!

Pretty delicate Ralph Lauren Kimono, so pretty on the hanger - ruddy awful on. It didn't do anything other than sit limply on .. it wasn't long enough to drape, it just hung there so sadly.

A gorgeous Paul Costello top that was so pretty but so see through that I had to put it back on the hanger

A gorgeous Nine West wrap dress that was so beautiful in colour but awful in fit - I couldn't get the wrap breast part to work - I think it's because I've not chest!

This had the potential to be gorgeous but it's my tummy sticking through, can you see the belly? 

I thought it would be better in black but it's actually quite a thin material so it was never going to work, even though I loved the side hitch up detail

This is the saddest one of them all. It was so cute on the hanger (I saw it as I walked into the changing room and it had 10 on the label so I grabbed it. It had a cute net skirt but I could barely get it on ......

... let alone do it up!

Loved the style of this but the material was super thin and my belly super sticky out. Looks like I'm wearing a fanny bag UNDER the dress!!

Gorgeous colour, gorgeous dress but damn that blood belly!

So on Sunday morning I decided to do something about it - RUN! I am not a physical person, I do not enjoy any exercise, I despise it more than I can say but I also hated the feeling of not fitting into any clothes I tried on and the jeans I own are all too tight and 50% of what I own I can't do up.  Last year I measured my body. This weekend I measured my body. I have gained 1 inch on my thighs, another on my hips and 3 inches on my waist.

TIME TO WISE UP AND GET FIT. I went for a walk/jog today and I've decided that when it's dry I will get one in when I'm not working. I only work 3 days a week so that leaves 4 other days for a brisk walk and attempt at running - wish me luck!!!!

Anyone feeling the pinch body wise after a very long Winter?



  1. Your face on the pictures is hilarious. We've all had those days, and, if it's any concillation, I found the perfect yellow wrap style blouse that I loved on Saturday, only for big boobies to ruin it.

    There's always another shopping day!

    1. Great excuse to get back out there I say!!
      Isn't it horrid when gorgeous clothes don't look right?!!

  2. I just love your honesty Fiona - I had a very similar experience there were something I thought was a top turned out to be a playsuit which looked frankly illegal once I'd shoe-horned myself into it! Love the Nine West dress, sure you won't reconsider? Keep going with the running, you do grow to love it and it was the only thing I found that sorted out my tummy - really does work wonders! x

    1. I tried really hard to make the dress work but sadly not. It was only something stupid like £20 so I REALLY wanted it to work.

      Thanks for words of encouragement with the running - I shall keep to my slow pace jog for now and build up to running soon!

  3. Seriously Fiona - that wee dress is a KIDS dress!! The net underneath is the giveaway :) You look lovelier than you think...don't be so hard on yourself xx

    1. I will have in my head that it was a girls dress!!!!

  4. I just love changing room photos!! What a shame you didn't find anything. Oh well, keep on with the blue shoe hunt, the perfect pair within budget must be out there somewhere! P x

    1. I love them too - might start a once a week slot on bad changing room photos!!
      Those blue shoes are going to be the death of me!

  5. I had to make a cup of tea before reading this as I knew it was going to be a good one. TK Maxx is so random that 9 times out of 10 I feel the same way. Occasionally, just occasionally I hit lucky! Cheer up, I still think you're gorgeous xx

    1. You're so kind, thank you for being so nice!!!
      I normally find lots of things in there but last week zilch. Best go back in again next week!!

  6. Fiona you're being too hard on yourself......& just how gorgeous does that shade of pink look on you!!
    Jane xx

    1. It was gorgeous - when I am fit and toned I'll be back!

  7. Your' face says it all but I do think you are being too critical of yourself. Very funny, though, and I am pretty sure most of us are feeling like this especially at this time of year. I really like the Nine West dress on you it is a pity it didn't sit right. I am not too sure about the heel shape of the shoe, I think there are better ones out there although cost may be a factor. I love the Lola Cruz court shoe at £139.00. H xx

    1. I don't have the disposable budget for £139 on a single pair of fashion shoes - YIKES I wish though

  8. Pah! What are you worrying about? I look a million times worse than this ALL THE TIME!!! xx

    1. Now now if you don't buck your attitude up I'll get Marlene on to you!

  9. That actually made me laugh out loud I love the fact you looked like you had a fanny pack under your dress, I look like I have a backpack under my dresses!! You look stunning, it's the clothes that aren't right!! Hope you get some cobalt blue shoes...I will on the look out for you!! Xxx

    1. I aim to please!!
      I will await what you find - budget tight don't forget!

  10. Sheesh....that was a marathon just trying all those clothes on! And to not find one thing that you loved?! It's a workout just trying on that amount of stuff isn't it?! On the plus side think of all the money you saved......surely you could push the boat out budget wise now with the blue shoes?! x
