
Wednesday 23 April 2014

What I've Been Wearing ..

THANK GOODNESS .. the school holidays are OVER ... as I sit here at 20.36pm on Wednesday 23rd April I can say that I am relieved and happy! We are all bored of each other, I'm 'done' with juggling being a mother (badly), working (part time), a wife (even worse), running a house (don't even go there) ....

So what have I been wearing?

Highlights for me are:

Swish day party in London on Saturday

Losing my mind (did not know this before the event) at a friends house on Sunday afternoon (!)

F&F playsuit dressing up shoot

Are you pleased yours are back to school now?


PS - I found this blog - I love it - I wish I could be so good but I can't ..


  1. Fiona, I absolutely adore your top that you wore to the London Swish day. I'm fed up of the school run already xx

    1. I love the school run, admittedly it's only 7 mins each way but even still I bloody love walking back down the path to my car for 7 hrs of ME! Oh and work and others and all that!!

      The top was USA Target and was $20!

  2. We're not back till next Monday....have to admit I love school holidays & love the break from the school run as it makes such a difference to the day even though I'm generally still at work it seems so much more relaxed!
    Jane xx
    My Midlife Fashion

  3. I hate the time it takes me to get going each day of the hols - today we finally got up and out for 11.30am!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I love the holidays and having the little one at home with me even if we don't do much but I was relieved when she went back on Tuesday as there is order and routine again!!
    You do look really amazing in that first pic of your London outfit xx

    1. Mine argue too much, I shout too loudly and drink far too much wine!
      Back to normal with the alarm going at 5.50am!

  5. I like the hols and I like sending them back on their way. Two weeks would have been okay but ours was two weeks and two days and the last day was a killer with both boys sent to different rooms to keep out of each others way and mine!

    I think I've said before but I love the Target top outfit - you look fab in that!

    1. Mine had more than 2 weeks off and we all wanted to kill each other yesterday!!

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  7. Still holidays here, but The Child is now 13 so my requirements are really just to transport her to her various social activities and on one occasion I took her clothes shopping - which went much better than usual (ie. we were still talking to each other at the end of it and even had some bags of clothes for her that we BOTH liked!) Love that Target top on you - that's a great outfit

    1. LOL that you went shopping and were still speaking - hilarious! Imagine taking a boy shopping then - what fun (not)!

  8. Oh I love a state school - two weeks - exactly the right amount of time just to maintain levels of sanity & a functioning liver! LOVE that Target top on you xx

    1. Cannot wait for state school - short holidays come my way!

  9. Fiona I love how you transform when you have your hair up or down. Love the Swish Day party outfit.

    1. Thanks Iva - I do change it a lot in terms of up or down but mainly up because I have rubbish hair

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Bowing down to you for the home ed - wow!
      I guess I just struggle with time management and seem to be forever doing bits of work, bits of being a mother, bits of being a housewife and bits of being a wife - tricky!

    2. he he!! Thanks. I think we all constantly are juggling aren't we but if your doing the best you can then that is good enough.
