
Friday 16 May 2014

Roller coaster week ...

DISCLAIMER: This should really be 10 blog posts split out but I can't do it .. for reasons which become clear if you read I don't have it in me to create 10 blog posts therefore you have it all in one - job done!


Last week I was called into the meeting room by my current boss. I work part time for a web development company. He told me that unfortunately a big job he thought was going to nicely assist the business for 12 months hadn't come about and that there was a big delay on it. Obviously when this happens you look at your over heads. I'm a part time contractor (albeit I've worked with him for 15 years over 3 other businesses) and so I'm the first to be sent on my merry way and I get that. BUT. Urm I need to work and it's a job that pays ok for what I do and it's VERY FLEXIBLE! I can work from home if I want to (I choose to go to the office), if the kids are sick then they're sick, he has children he understands all of this - he's a good boss. So I spent a day looking for a job - a proper grown up full time job where I am employed by a company and I'm not a contractor ................... there were LOTS of really interesting things about  .. IN LONDON .. and I am not going there (have lost my husband to London for 10 years and 14 hrs of the day).

So, I put on Facebook that I was maybe looking for a little part time marketing/social media/business development something to assist me on my way and fill what could be a gap (I have the shop that works for me but it's not going to pay any retirement bills if I lose my other main part time income.

I'm boring myself with the waffle so let's cut to the chase ... I NOW HAVE 7 PART TIME ROLES TO CONSIDER - all of this through a little 'can anyone give me a part time job please'! I am flattered, genuinely flattered and I am thinking about a dozen possible ways to accept them all!

I also need to apologise because this blog is the first thing to go in terms of my priorities and so is Avenue 57. I will post daily of course because I set it up to make myself (and others) get dressed in the morning and I still maintain we need an incentive but I can't do it all - I've said before I have no cleaner, gardener, the husband is out 14 hrs of every day and I now have 7 jobs to consider! I'm doing 4 immediately - I can do that. But I need to work out how to fit in the other 3 ... scratches head!

Tonight, it's Friday, I have my girlfriends over in 2 hrs, I'm one child down and just me (the husband has taken the big child to see family as we have had a minor bereavement in the family). Can I just clarify what that means? My father in law (80) had a girlfriend (92) and she just died after a totally bloody amazing life. So it's a bereavement but it's a minor one (to me). Equally the husband needs to go and support his father. I get that. The small one and I have had tickets booked for the Pet Show in London for ages - we are still going!

Here's what I've been wearing through my roller coaster week - CHECK ME OUT BACK IN HEELS - HOORAH! First time in 2 weeks - YAY!

I also have new stock in the shop but it's only available on Facebook for now. Later I'll be offering buy one get one half price on all new scarves - currently drowning in 100 of the buggers! Get on FB and like my page - I do most of my stuff there before it goes on the main store or sold locally via parties.

Enjoy your weekend and sorry for the out pour of really boring information - I needed to get it down!



  1. Sorry to hear about your job but best of luck juggling all the new ones!!

  2. You know what they say Fiona as 1 door closes another one opens - or maybe 7 in your case! Best wishes with the new job hunt. X

    1. Thank you! It's going to be an interesting few months that's for sure!

  3. Blimey Fiona what a week, but how enterprising of you getting so many jobs through it!! Glad to see you are back in heels & I love your yellow outfit! Onwards & upwards! x

  4. Wow - what a week! Feels like the beginning of a really exciting time in your life and you're so ready to embrace it - onwards and upwards....and don't forget to build in some 'me-time' (for you..not me - you know what I mean!) Have a great weekend xx

  5. I snorted with laughter at the 'minor bereavement' Sorry ... but you gotta' love a woman who is still a girlfriend at 92!!! And OF COURSE you got 7 job offers in one week - you are fabulous, so who wouldn't want you working for them? Loved this post ... made me laugh a lot ... now off you go and have a fab weekend xxx

    1. Thanks Helen!!! Pleased to see I can still make people laugh #classclown!

  6. Oh lordy Fiona, what a week. One door closes, another opens (in your case too many). All the best my love, you'll make it work whatever you decide.

    PS I wanted to say what Helen said about the minor bereavement but was too scared in case I made you cry. xxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. oh no - no tears, 92 is bloody good and end of life is horrid, most often a relief.

  7. Wowser ! What a week!! Given that you are imparting largely bad news it seems wrong to say this is a great post but it is, if you know what I mean. Really nice stream of consciousness stuff.
    Really sorry to hear about the down bits, but really glad that things are looking positive as well.

    1. Thanks Paul! Hope to attempt to fit in blogging too!

  8. I know exactly where you are coming from just so hard to keep it all going!! Any way well done with the 7 jobs and sorry to hear about the sad news! You are still looking ace.....I am loving this weeks outfits! You do a sterling job with A57 and I'm sure no one will mind you taking a bit of a back you said to me recently life has got to come first! xx

  9. Thank you! I ignore my children and husband a lot!

  10. Wowsers! I don't know where to begin so I'm sure you don't either! Its a very exciting time & you need to go full force into it! Ave57 is on a roll atm & so you need not worry there! You look like Katy Perry in the red dress! Such an amazing outfit! xx

    1. Oooh what a nice thing to say looking like Katy Perry - I'll take that!
      I'm sure I'll get back to it all soon and I might even be able to carry on.

      I've decided for now to do 4 part time jobs which equates to a full time 40 hr week - so not as stupid as 7!

  11. Oh Fiona! I completely get the juggling and a good job that fits in with your lifestyle, how gutting that its ended but wow on the job offers - you go girl! Do try and not burn yourself out though. Is the orange dress Topshop? Just ordered the grey and now wishing I went with colour, looks great on you. Can't wait to hear about all your new work x

    1. It's a coral red if that makes sense and Next. £22 and absolutely BRILLIANT. Once the money comes in I might go and buy the grey or striped one - they are brilliant throw on dresses.

      I'll never OVER stretch myself, I'm not that kind of person - always time for fun too!

  12. Wow Fiona - I saw your post out on Facebook but I didn't know it was related to your job and everything but look what happens when you have a bit of go and a bit of initiative about you and you deserve all that has been offered to you now. Sorry to hear about the bad bits but you have still managed to come out sounding so positive so big pat on the back for you for taking this all the right way. Good luck with all the jobs and celebrate with a drink but try not to drop a bottle on your foot this time will you? :o)

  13. You've managed to look fab all week - I've still enjoyed your daily outfit posts!

    Like you, I do a few different things and it is a stress when you are self employed but I'm sure it will all work out for you. Just make sure you don't end up working for a Vicar as well :-) x

  14. Just caught up with this, how amazing getting 7 job offers - are you going to do them all?! Looking lovely as always in your outfits, hope you found time to chill out a bit over the bank hols!
    Abbi x
