
Saturday 28 June 2014

BORED of the sales now

I keep getting emails about the sales. 50% off here, 25% off there, up to 75% etc etc blah blah blah yawn yawn yawn. I really am a crap fashion blogger! I do wish I had a bit more money in the bank to spend on clothes but the reality is I don't need to buy anything at all ever again! I have bought 1 top, 2 pairs of shorts, 1 jumper and a tshirt since the beginning of the year! TOTAL SPEND less than £50! I truly am going to heaven - this is so good!

What's funny is that in small waves I hate not being able to spend money on clothes and then in bigger waves I think it's easy to not buy. Let me remind you that I don't spend hours online researching for the blog, I don't live in a big town that lures me in with shopping. I'm working 4 days a week and NEVER EVER EVER EVER go to the shops. So it's easy to not buy if you are me!

HOWEVER, I do love these:
LK Bennett Ciara Heeled Sandal £225.00 £90.00

Right moving on because I'm not buying! Here's what I've been wearing over the past few days.

Sunny day in the office on Tuesday - I love this combo (never worn before like this). The capri pants from Next are absolutely perfect. They fit like a glove and are SO comfortable. Still available to buy now.

Cheeky little fella decided to grace us with its presence in the office today!

One of my favourite pairs of shoes (again office bound)

Worn with a top I stocked in the shop last summer and vintage blue jeans from F&F Tesco

Boring day on Friday in terms of the outfit but I was comfortable. Had a few inches chopped off the barnett but you can't really tell from here. I teamed it with one of my favourite scarves from School Gate Style shop (shop is closed as Avril is on holiday right now) and a denim jacket when I went out later.

 Hope everyone has a great weekend. Other daily looks are posted on Avenue 57 - check them out.



  1. See, your wardrobe must 5 times bigger than mine. I hardly ever see you in the same thing twice. I can't remember seeing the yellow top which by the way is amazing. Oh and I love those shoes too x

    1. I very much doubt mine is bigger than yours! I just double up and cram it in :-)!!!!!

  2. You obviously attracted the little caterpillar with your' matching colours. Lovely looks, Fiona, and I am now spending more than I ever used to. I blame blogging!! H xx

    1. I used to spend a lot in the beginning and then it stopped (ie now) - I'm kind of really challenging myself but it's actually rather easy!

  3. Fiona your halo is well & truly blinding - you're so good!!! Love the yellow top on you, just gorgeous.
    Jane xx
    My Midlife Fashion

    1. Thank you Jane - off to polish halo again!

  4. There is no way that I could survive that long without shopping - but then, I very much doubt that I have the same amount of clothes as you. Love, love, love those TK Maxx shoes. Shoe envy!!!

    1. TK Maxx are the best - I keep telling you this!

  5. You're doing so well, Fiona! I'm trying not to buy now... We'll see how that goes! Lynne x

    1. I'll give you 15 days before buying something!

  6. Just love those tan sandals, you are doing really well, but as you said Newbury is hardly the shopping capital of the world, although it has improved recently. Great post.
    Sue x

    1. Exactly! Newbury not good, Reading too far away and online doesn't need to be looked at!

  7. You have done so well on the purchase front Fiona!! I haven't intentionally shopped in the sales but have picked up a couple of things I've wanted so I've been lucky....I know feel like I don't need another stitch of clothing ever!! Wonder how long that will last?! xx

    1. I'm wondering if I'll cave (as I always do) when the Mango sale becomes too good NOT to shop!

  8. Well done you - I seem to have spent more than ever in the past 6 months!!! Loving the coordinating caterpillar - lol xx

    1. Cheeky little fella took a quick ride out of the window (I lie, that's what I would have done but some kind office person took him downstairs nicely)!!!

  9. Oh Fiona I never bore of the sales and am always on the look out for a bargain! I am like you in that I don't physically go shopping that often though, I much prefer online! Some lovely outfits with elements I love, that boho top with tan shoes, the yellow top, the maxi skirt, all fab! x

    1. I love bargains, I adore them but I have so much that I'm only buying the same again of what I already own!

  10. You are doing so well Fiona but those shoes are amazing & so you! That Caterpillar would of freaked me right out! Ax

    1. It did - I can't believe I got that close to take the photo!!

  11. He matches your top lol!!! I still don't know how you do it. Don't magazines/other blogs temp you too?!?! I go through phases of buying nothing for a little while (that for me is a month or two...) then loads. I'm going through the latter at the moment and it needs to end!x

  12. Wow.. the yellow top really looks cool..
    cant believe you have this fashion blog and have hardly bought anything. You've been really strong. :)

  13. You are so good, I need to take a leaf out of your book, I've been terrible recently. Going to impose a spending ban soon!
    Abbi x

  14. You are so good not shopping this year and Donna is right you managed to wear different looks all the time and look amazing, love the yellow top and I want your slim endless legs!! X

  15. i agree, it's all a bit confusing, the sales started before the sun came out and it makes you feel like the party is over already, i do however LOVE your super cool caterpiller x
