
Monday 18 January 2016

Not sure what to do

UPDATE: I have decided to focus on the shop now. Come on over to see all new stock:

I haven't blogged in a while and I don't think I miss it ... why? For me, there are a number of reasons.

I think I am easily satisfied by style/what others wear on Instagram.
Avenue 57 on Facebook (contact me if you want an invite) is popular
I have no spending budget
I'm working now

Instagram has, in my opinion, killed off some blogging traffic. It hasn't killed it off completely though. I haven't blogged (or read any - sorry!) for a long time and I still get traffic. Should I carry on? I have a feeling that I can't add anything more that other established 40+ mummy bloggers do. I have no real style, I just cobble a bunch of outfits together and I don't buy anything really.

Avenue 57 on Facebook is going really well. Such a shame I can't do that full time and make a living out of it but it's a great hobby and I love it. I get from there all that I need. I get to see stylish women dressing every day and I get to ask questions about fashion or style.

I have very little disposable income. Last year was a really tough one financially for me. I was working very part time, the shop was doing ok but not great and I loafed a lot. In November I was 'let go' from my very part time job and I cried, even though I hated it beyond hatred I cried! Then a week later I got another job and I stopped crying. I was very lucky, I know that. I am now working every day 9-3 and I suddenly don't have that much time to loaf, read, post, think. I'm enjoying work and "work" is now in a work box (before "work" was 24x7 for me). I'm still doing the shop too so I'm kind of busy and the family and house have to fit in somehow too! Oh and the husband!!

I'm waffling I know. I don't know what to do with the blog. Let it go naturally and not make a song and dance of it? Post daily outfit video's like the one below?

I've seen a few other bloggers successfully diversify their blog and it's worked for them but I'm not that great at cooking (I cook from scratch most nights but it's just boring stuff), I bloody hate exercise and I'm not doing my house up.

I wouldn't be overly sad if I never blogged again and I do know when something comes to a natural end. I started blogging in October 2011, I can't believe it that was long ago if I'm honest.

What do you think? Give up? Carry on? Do something different? Is there anything more I can add other than what I show off on Instagram and Facebook?

Here's that daily outfit video I was on about. I OBVIOUSLY need to work on quality!



  1. I would say that life's too short to spend it doing something you don't love. So if you're not getting anything from it then just let it go (hey that sounds like a great song title!)

    1. ha ha ha! It has a catchy title that's for sure. Google it to see if anyone else bored the nation with a song with that title?

      I think I am inclined to agree with you.

  2. I must be the only person in the world who hasn't seen that film!

  3. Oh Fiona, yours was one of the first bugs I read and was one of the few that gave me the confidence to start my own, so thank you. What I have always loved about yours is the honesty and the fact you please only yourself with your wardrobe. You have a distinctive style. Life is very busy and there isn't always room for everything. From my own experience, my workload has increased several fold so the blog had to be reduced from 7 posts per week to 4. But, I still LOVE it. Not like. Love. This makes it easy to carry on. I think you must do what your head tells you. Perhaps leave it for now knowing you can always go back to it. Congratulations on Ave 57 and God luck with whatever you decide to do with your blog, Liz xxx (www.whatlizzyloves) xxx

    1. I didn't realise I was one of your first - I love that!!!!
      You are right, I have the main part of A57 and I'm just starting in random amateur videos so who knows where that will lead!!

      Thank you Liz

  4. What a fabulously honest post. I guess you need to ask yourself who you're writing the blog for? If there's no enjoyment there then stick to Avenue 57 which you have nurtured and is loved by so many women. At the end of the day a blog is just a title. Avenue 57 is kind of a community blog anyway. Hard to give up your baby when you've had it for 5 years isn't it xx

    1. Always honest me! What you see is what you get! Should I rename myself to Ronseal?!!!!!

      Community blog - LOVE THAT and you are so right, it is one of those!

  5. I don't have anything original to add - basically exactly what Liz & Donna have said. And it's not like you'll be disappearing ... you're still online with Avenue 57 and Instagram. Life is too short to do something you don't get enjoyment from xx

    1. Thank you Helen, I'm just pleased I met some fab friends along the way!

  6. I think the fact that your blog works is because you come across as so personable - matter-of-fact without being preachy, and perfectly able to laugh at something that doesn't work as well as showcase something that really does. A lot of us out here have a negligible budget for clothes and it's inspiring to see how you put different things together. But you're right - we can get our fix of that on Avenue 57, so there is absolutely no pressure to blog! Only do it if you love it! The video was great - fantastic to hear your voice! Other things to include might be what the fabric feels like/what it's composition is, whether it has any tight spots eg under the arm, what it looks like when you're sitting down. Would love to see more videos. See you on FB!

    1. Great tips for the future, I like that! I could do live changing room videos too?! I've just set up on You Tube so I'll see how that goes.
      Pleased you're part of the main A57 group!

  7. I don't know you...but (without sounding too weird) I feel like I do. Yours was one of the first blogs that I started reading and which rescued me from the foggy murky days of having two children in 20 months. I didn't know who I was or what I even wanted to be. Your blog, with your humour, warm personality and fashion inspiration was truly a god-send. This is not meant to be making you think you need to keep going with the blog. But I just wanted to sound my appreciation for how grateful I am for what you have done. I love the Facebook page (I'm Katherine Pugh) - it has such a welcoming feel to it. If anything is becoming a drag/creating negative thoughts/a hassle, then it is time to let it go. If it gives you a buzz/happiness/satisfaction, then it stays. Easier said than done, I know. Anyway, I'll shut up now!

    1. I love hearing stories like this. It makes me want to carry on because if one person feels better because of my mindless rambling then I feel better that I helped someone. BUT .... my heart isn't in it. I've set up a you tube channel so I might start taking more videos and learning how to use a better camera!

  8. I still read a lot of blogs but I must admit to much preferring the sense of community on Avenue 57 and its easily accessible on Facebook. I don't have a large budget and work full time wearing a uniform - not much to photograph here! But I do love seeing how other people put together their wardrobe, I get inspiration more from the women who post there than from the blog posts which I think are more and more about selling and promoting clothing lines - that's fine, we all need to make a living! I don't want high end unavailable products, I want everyday average moderate budget!
    Whatever you decide to do with your blog is your business but as long as I have Facebook and a great and varied group of women then I'll be happy!
    Loved the amateur video by the way - very entertaining! ��

    1. Thanks Philippa, I love the Facebook group too - such a good group of hundreds of women all supporting each other and showing off great every day styles

  9. I do love your brutal honesty Fiona, and although I don't post much on A57 (there's so much crossover with Insta etc, and I don't want to bore folks over too many media channels with my outfit choices!), I do read it all the time. I think your personality and style suit that environment much more - you're such a people person, and your input is always helpful and usually hilarious :-D And as others have said, there's no point pushing it if you're not enjoying something. Onwards and upwards! xx

    1. I agree there is such a cross over. I love insta.

  10. I really can see where you're coming from - decisions, decisions and all that. I have very similar feelings to you, although I'm much more of a newbie 'blogger' than you. I also think I'd bore everyone to death if I diversified into either food or exercise! However I've really loved your blog and have used the looks and outfits that you've featured as a great source of inspiration

    1. Oh thank you. So many lovely positive comments. Maybe I'll come back to it one day!!
