
Tuesday 30 July 2013

Zaggora Hot Pants

I was sent these hot pants to review from Zaggora. I thought at first they had mistaken me for someone that does exercise. But I guess they saw someone who has a loud voice and likes to share good things! Anyway, not one to pass up a freebie, I decided to turn this good fortune into something positive. I've decided to use them for the purpose they are intended for - EXERCISE!

Over to the scientific stuff and what they are made of and why they work better than the sports clothes we are used to.  Celu-Lite Technology™ is a patent pending, multi-layer fabric technology harnessing the body’s natural heat during exercise to help you burn more calories.

The fabric is similar to that of a child's wet suit. The 'hot pants' I have are quite thick and I wondered if I might drown in my own sweat when wearing them! I put them on and they worked a bit like spanx, I immediately stood up taller and sucked myself in - this is good!

Inside the package I received was a '2 week challenge' leaflet. The idea is to wear the pants for 30 mins per day whilst exercising.  So I got dressed and ready to run (I don't do running) and low and behold as good luck would have it the heavens opened and it PELTED down with rain - hoorah, run cancelled! So I decided to do a pilates DVD I borrowed from a friend instead! It's perfect for me. Each pilates section is broken down into 10 mins slots so I did the abs section (only, I didn't want to push myself to fast and too hard on day 1!).

The 2 week challenge leaflet encourages to take your weight and some body measurements so I did that. In 2 weeks I shall aim to exercise in the hot pants every day and re-measure myself. I don't need to lose weight, I do need to tone and I do need to move more. I very rarely get off my ass as I work from the PC. I don't do any physical exercise at all because I make all the lame excuses one can make, the biggest being 'I don't have time' - the truth is I HATE EXERCISE!

What have I done so far:
Sunday - 10 min abs pilates
Monday - nothing because I could barely move because of said 10 mins above
Tuesday - 10 mins abs, 10 mins bums and 10 mins arms pilates
I am predicting that Wednesday I will be in bed unable to move!

I should be ashamed at how crap I am at exercise but these hot pants are making me think about doing more some - this is good!

Do you exercise? How often? What do you do? What do you think about this 'technology' for sportswear? Would love to hear your thoughts.

I'll update you all in 2 weeks when I look like Elle Mcphereson the same.



  1. LOL! I was also sent a pair (full length) and the only reason I agreed to it, was because I'm a completely lazy mare (despise exercise) and felt that maybe this would motivate me to do something. I'm not going to start mine til I get back from London ... but will be really interested to hear how you get on. I'm hoping to look like VB by the time I'm done on the 2 week challenge .. pffffttt!!

    1. If, by receiving these, I do exercise then it's worth it. I was surprised at how thick they were but I can see why now - they're meant to make you sweat!

      Do you want to exercise but don't? Perhaps we can be pretend virtual exercise buddies?!!!

  2. I have a pair of these (the cycle short style though) and if you wear them with regular exercise they definitely improve the appearance of the skin/cellulite. You sweat A LOT in them as they are not breathable at all! Skin is a lot softer too ime. Like with anything though, as soon as you stop using them they go back to how they were.
    Shame they are noisy too as you move around, ok at home but would be a bit embarrassing at the gym i think!

    1. They are a bit noisy but I haven't noticed that as much as the SWEAT! However, I have only done pilates so haven't REALLY pushed myself!

      I might (probably not) go for a run in them!

  3. Hi there!! Well done on your efforts to date-like you, I'm not keen on exercise but have prepared myself accordingly with my bike at the ready, a fairly new leg magic machine (which is really good for thighs and bum) and a couple of dvds and exercise mat. I do try and walk daily and at the moment I'm not pushing myself whilst its humid (thats my summer excuse!) These pants look great even if you're not wearing them that often!!

  4. Good for you!! I didn't do any for years. OH has always been fitness mad so he was very good at encouraging me after having my second child. I started run walking with the stroller - then built it up gradually and I've now don 3 half marathons. Now I LOVE spin classes - I get a huge high from it. I try to do something every other day - even if I don't feel like it at the time - I know how great I feel after a good sweat - plus having clothes slip on is much nicer then struggling on the bed to fasten them lol. It also makes me feel better about my vices - i.e. wine:) xx

  5. I love exercise, but am very restricted as to what I do with my bloody arthritis, was just saying to hubs the other night that so many people hate exercise and don't bother and here's me who loves it but has to stagger sessions so my knees get plenty of rest! Life ain't fair!! Looking forward to seeing how u get one with these, I always thought they were gimmicky but u never know!!
