
Tuesday 6 August 2013

If you see it can you tell me ...

My blogging mojo that is! I am absolutely done in with multi tasking. I do so much that something has to give. As you may or may not know I don't blog full time (who does?). Here is a list of what I do regularly/daily:

Work 15 hrs a week in an office selling software services for a web company
Work 1 hr per day managing some small European company software sales 
Manage Avenue 57
Run a little shop online
Manage the A57 Facebook Fan Page
I'm a wife (husband out 14 hrs of the day)
I'm a mother to 2 boys (who are on a 9 week summer holiday)
I tweet
I pin
I create
I don't have a cleaner
I don't have a gardener
I don't have anyone iron my clothes

So after that woe is me list here's what I also do regularly/daily:

Drink - well who wouldn't after all that above?!!
Party - never one to act her age (photos are coming of my karaoke episode on Saturday)
Have fun - life is given to us just the once, enjoy it
Treasure what I have, not what I don't have (oh god that is such horse shit, I can't believe I wrote it! I want a bigger garden, I want a sports car, I want a holiday, I want to buy everything I see).

Right, let's get this back on track - here's what I've been wearing over the past week (fortunately I left the Wonder Woman pants off whilst going about my daily chores!)

Top - Sainsbury's
Jeans - Sainsbury's
Necklace - Avenue 57 (still available)
Boots - Peacocks (still available) 

Top - Mint Velvet (still available)
Skirt - Matalan (still available)
Necklace - Zara
Shoes - TK Maxx
Bag - H&M

Jumper - Avenue 57 (white sold out, other colours available)
Jeans - Sainsbury's
Shoes - TK Maxx
Shades - TK Maxx (required, SEVERLY HUNG OVER)

Outfit on the right
Top - Avenue 57 (still available)
Skirt - H&M
Flip Flops - Next (still available)

Outfit on the left
Dress - Avenue 57 (still available)
Necklace - Avenue 57 (1 left)

Have fun and sorry for the self indulgent rant! Feel free to reply with what you do, it's actually really therapeutic!



  1. Hello wonder-woman!
    Ruth - Room31

    1. Well .... I've made a little pact to myself to not drink Mon/Tue/Wed .. so last night I was VERY good (it was actually really hard to NOT have a drink, how bad is that?!). So tonight I thought I'd do the same BUT ... I've just looked at what I'm cooking for supper and it requires a little glass of wine! There is NO WAY ON EARTH that I can open a bottle for cooking only so BANG does my dry day! Epic fail!


  2. I loved your self indulgent rant.....made me smile xx

  3. This made me laugh Fiona- we all have such hectic lifestyles it's a wonder we find time to text never mind blog!! I've lost my mo jo at the minute too, got so much going on fashion has seriously taken a back seat!!

    1. I knew I wouldn't be alone - I'm taking BIG comfort in that!

  4. Great rant!! What you've written is just how I feel! And I've got a no drink rule too, may have to break it tonight though as work is crap again today. Enjoy your tipple later xx

    1. Hey Sue - pleased to hear it's not just me on all levels! I tried to have a glass of wine last night but it tasted funny (it's a wine I've been drinking for months, so it's me not the bottle).
      I think I over did it (wine) this w/end so it's good my body is rejecting it now!!!!

  5. That really made me laugh Fiona - the 'horse shit I want a bigger garden.....' was straight from the heart. Love it :) Toni x

  6. while drinking Pimms so I'm still laughing as I type this. I honestly have NO idea how you do it all. You sleep, don't you? xx

  7. So love this & it made me LOL! Good for you! You still manage to look fabulous with all that going on too! I'm nervous about a return to work but hoping I'll drop a few kgs with all the extra running around! :) Ax
