
Wednesday 7 August 2013

It's all about shoes

I have a few pairs of shoes (cough cough) that when I wear them I get so many lovely compliments. They are 99.9% always from TK Maxx and nearly always years old. Don't you hate it when someone says not only 'TK Maxx' but also 'years old'!

So if I were in the market of buying nice shoes today from TK Maxx, here's what I'd choose and DAMN RESEARCH because now I want them all .. but I am awaiting 4 pairs from Deichmann tomorrow - if they are as cheap in looks as they are in price I will return and head to the Maxx!

I appreciate that some people love shoes/spend money on shoes - I do not. I wear anything/any material/any price (but not expensive - unless a bargain via TK Maxx!!

Just whilst I have your attention .. this is not a sponsored post, I have received nothing for this and yet my gushing love for the brand would make you think that. Sometimes, just sometimes you fall in love, head over heels and I did that with them a few years ago.

Pic 6: SPM - Grey Leather Ankle Boots - £29.99 (ok so not a heel but I couldn't resist!)

Here's what I wore today, in some old TK Maxx shoes, which was the inspiration behind this post today!

What are your favourite pair of shoes? Where from? How much? Do you wear them?



  1. Do you know, shoes are the one thing I seem to have limited success with at TK Maxx (but you have inspired me to look again!) My favourite shoe shop would have to be Russell & Bromley - expensive initially but I have pairs that are 15+ years old and still going strong, with care. On a cost per wear basis they can't be beaten with a stick (as Avril would say!) xx

    1. I have never spent on shoes because my taste changes SO often and I buy SO many pairs of shoes/boots. I think I have around 75 if I counted - I am not going to though! My friend swears by Russell & Bromley - we don't have one locally and I'd need to try before buying at those prices!

  2. Oh favorites are always boots - especially my Newburys. I definitely am more prepared to splurge on shoes versus clothes as I do think shoes can last years and still be in style. I also adore the Vince Nina's I got this season which thy are now doing in more colors and suede! I wish TJ Maxx here had as many gems and great brands as TKMaxx there!

    1. If I had more disposable income I might spend more but even with a ton of money I couldn't spend hundreds on boots (the most expensive I've ever bought were £125!!)
      You have a FAB shoe and boot collection - how many in total?

  3. Hi Fiona,

    I loved this post but I'm a shoe addict. My absolute faves are my Jimmy Choo Tahitis in champagne glitter which were £350 approx. I saved up for ages and love them as much now as I did when they were new 3 years ago. I do have a fetish, I mean a fondness for Clarks shoes though. Especially their boots and you can never go wrong with a pair of Primark flip flops for a squid xxx Liz xxx

    1. Oh my goodness - £350 - I couldn't even dream of spending that - really! I'd love to see them make an appearance on A57.

      I love shoes too but I'm such a scrooge when it comes to spending on them!

  4. I used to be such a shoe snob but I'm totally with you these days! Why have one pricey pair when you can have several cheaper ones! Yes they don't last as long but neither do trends! I love the mustard combo on you! Ax
