
Wednesday 9 October 2013

How much do you spend each month on clothes?

I don't think I spend a lot of money on clothes. I know I don't spend a lot on individual items. I want to document what I buy each month and so I've created a new page on this blog and it's on the top menu bar. It's called What I've Bought .. and I shall update it each month with what I've bought, where I bought it and how much it cost. I will either be surprised at how little I spend or how much more I'm buying than I thought.

What I also need to do is be honest with how much I steal out of the shop! I think at the moment it's a couple of items a week. Could you have a clothes shop at home and NOT take anything from it? No, me either!

Here we go - October so far and the total is at £19.99

Here I am in that shirt of £19.99

And here I am today in my comfort zone

How much have you spent this month so far? 



  1. Nothing!! I've spent nothing so far this month. Wonder how long it will last!! What a great idea Fiona though. It will prove interesting I'm sure. And, I LOVE the photo of you in your blue shirt! xxx

    1. My Mum took that photo!! I thought it summed up the mood I was in at the time - lots of wine had already been consumed!

      I am looking forward to this - it's going to be REALLY interesting, especially as I have birthday money to spend!

  2. I roughly budget £150 but rarely go over thankfully as I never *need* new stuff, I just enjoy shopping :)
    I do a budget post at the end of each month. Good idea to keep an eye on it via your blog!

    1. I am thinking this is either a really good idea or a really stupid one - will keep it updated each month as I go along!!

      I know I don't spend £150 a month but I would love to!

  3. I once did this on my blog about 2010, I think it was about £1,500 which I didn't think was bad. I always usually get a designer bag or something for my combined birthday and xmas so I remember that wasn't included, it was purely what I had bought x

    1. OH MY - I doubt I spend that in a year!!!!!

  4. I dare not go there. And do you really want James to know? I know that we should keep no secrets from the spouses but that doesn't include shopping expenses.

    1. I actually want him to see how little I spend - he thinks I spend a lot but I don't think I do!!

  5. When I totted everything I purchased in the summer and wrote about it, that has proved to be my most popular & well received post ever...... I think as we are mostly mums who have given up jobs to either be full time mummies or part time like me, we have to be more money aware, plus it is very interesting to see what we are all spending. Great idea to put it on its own page. X

    1. People think I buy a lot - I don't think I do! I am trying to prove a point to the outside world that I don't buy that much!

      It's going to be interesting that's for sure!

  6. I think I spend about £100 a month averaged out over the year. I have months where I go a bit mad followed by months when I deny myself everything! This week alone, I've spent £100 though and I was already supposed to NOT be spending at all. Cue a quiet November.....
    LOVING this idea and can't wait to follow it. I will not be replicating however as hubby reads my blog and will just torment me about every penny I spend...

    1. I have months where I spend more too. This month is going to be a healthy month for spending due to LA and birthday money. But it's not MY money I'm spending if that makes sense?!!

      Love how everyone loves watching me make a fool of myself but others wouldn't do it!!!

  7. You're very brave .. not sure I could do that. Particularly after a very thrifty year when I was studying ... but heading back into the workforce now, so I fully plan to spend, spend, spend with absolutely NO GUILT!!! However .. I am hoping that instead of spending money on dross, I will actually save and just buy one really GOOD item each month. I think it will work out far better in the long run. Dying to follow your diary though ... great (are you MAD?!!) idea :)

    1. I am brave :-)! I can't wait to see what you buy now you can !!!

  8. I just read the line, about not counting what you steal from shops, which made me see a whole new side to you, then I realised you meant your own shop :)
    I have just done a post similar to this, what I am intrigued by is what makes us look some days and buy on others, what makes you actually click to buy?

    1. I read your blog post and it got me thinking - which is why I decided to do this!!
      I buy if I have not bought for a while .. but I can go weeks without buying. I also buy if something is a total bargain! I also do not buy everything I want due to budget and wardrobe space constraints!!

  9. Hi there!! Wishing you well with your challenge, I used to keep a clothes spending diary but gave it up early in the year. I would say I spend approx £5 to £15 a week, but it generally is in the charity shops so to my mind I can get away with calling it a regular charitable donation?? xxx

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  11. Hardly nothing at my age 30 something, I don't think I'll ever be good at buying clothes or have a good wardrobe collection... I just admire people's styles, collections and trends from afar :( x
