
Tuesday 8 October 2013

Online personal stylist for men - The Chapar

Bare with me here ... I know this is a blog about my style and what I wear, but you know what? I am married to a man that doesn't like shopping but does have to wear clothes! Sound familar? I have so many male friends (not as bad as it sounds), husbands of friends etc that are either:
  1. too busy to shop
  2. stuck in a style rut
  3. want to bother but can't be bothered
  4. do not have a wife/girlfriend who buy their clothes for them (my husband is in this last category)
So TA DA .. a new service just for men who fit in one of the above.

Chapar is a new clothes delivery service for men based upon their personal style. Words from their about us page says "The Chapar concept originated from a father and son who believed that the way men buy clothes is fundamentally flawed. Frankly, men don’t like to shop. They don’t like shopping on the high street and they don’t like shopping online"

I registered for my husband who was 'too busy' to do it. It took me less than 5 minutes to register and tick boxes for his 'style' - they did encourage a stylist to call me back to discuss further but even I was too busy for this. Upon registration you do have to pay £1 (which is refundable against any purchase/the return of the trunk). This makes sense to safeguard the clothes they are sending and to verify the address details/card holder etc.

You have to understand a few things before we launch into the photos - MY HUSBAND IS NOT A MODEL. HE HAS NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE. HE WAS NOT 100% COMFORTABLE ABOUT DOING IT (but as they kindly offered him an item of clothing for free he was encouraged (by me) to suck it up and just get on with it.  Thank you James for being such a good sport! 

Packaging - gorgeous, everything was wrapped beautifully in tissue paper with string around the 'outfits' - seriously, men, you do not need to think - just wear!

I'm going straight on in with the photos - here we go?

And he says I'm the clown who fools around always .. the camera never lies!

FREE POLO SHIRT!  **Avenue 57 Promotion**

When you register, enter avenue57 into the box when prompted. The promotion is for any person who registers and orders a trunk. From the trunk you do have to make a purchase but it can be something as simple as a pair of socks! Any person who uses this code will receive a free Sunspel Polo in their first trunk.

What did he say about the service/experience: "I was sceptical at first I have to say. Fiona encouraged me to try it out and I can see how it works now. I thought the way they arranged the outfits together in neat bundles was good. They also made sure that I was able to mix a shirt with a pair of trousers/jeans and change it all around for more outfits. I don't like shopping, I hate trying things on in the shops and so this was really good for me. The free delivery and free returns from venue of my choice (work or home) made it even easier"

What did my husband keep? This rather gorgeous jacket that came to Barcelona with us and was worn when we went out for lunch this weekend.

Do you know a man who would benefit from a service like this? Be sure to send them to The Chapar, I cannot rate highly enough the simplicity of the service.



  1. Sounds really good and your husband looks very stylish. I agree the clothes look amazing in their bundles, great concept.

    1. I was thinking that this same service would work for women who hate shopping (imagine hating shopping?!!).
      It was fun to do and I know a lot of his friends in London will love this service #lazymen!

  2. Haha, your husband seems adorable and very funny!! Mine would NEVER agree to do pictures so well done for convincing him ,he did very well indeed. I have the very opposite problem with mine; he loves shopping and spends way too much! :-)

    1. He IS adorable and funny :-)
      I wish he would shop more .. he's stuck in a style rut but then I think a lot of men are (and women!)

  3. Haha - my hubby said no to this one - will show him what he missed now :)
    I would say James is a natural...he needs a blog of his own! x

    1. Oh do not encourage him! Can you imagine two bloggers in the house?!!
      I was a bit sceptical at first I have to say but it was really good - there is no cost to you if you don't like/buy anything. I would say the clothes were HOF/John Lewis brands and prices so if you are in that market (higher end) then it's BRILLIANT

  4. Wow, your husband is a good sport ... and a great model! Sounds like a fantastic service - although my OH is not averse to shopping for himself. Quite the reverse in fact!!

    1. I would love a husband that loved to shop - why isn't mine like that?????

  5. I feel James has missed his calling in life. What a great idea! I'm always getting asked if I'll do styling for men (I fear not and that they'd be far more high maintenance than women....) so I'll be sure to point them in this direction next time I'm asked! Great blog x

    1. He will be so thrilled to hear this! I often get asked to help men out but I honestly wouldn't know where to start!

  6. I think I saw something about this company in one of the Saturday supplements? It sounds perfect for my Grumps actually as I could see him wearing some of the items featured here. And yes he hates shopping with a vengeance - I do it all for him these days ... and the returns. But this sounds easy peasy. I will make him take a look i.e bring it up online and shove it under his nose.

    1. Forgot to say - your James is a natural in front of the camera. And a darling for doing this.

    2. I did everything for James - registered, organised delivery and return - I think this is the only way forward for married men who detest shopping!
      The clothes were great quality

    3. He is going to love you so much Sue - he FELL IN LOVE with the jacket and I kept on reminding him through his 'shoot' how much he loved it!!

  7. What a fab service! I wish my deliveries came wrapped up like this! Your Hubby is ace for doing this! My Hubs wouldn't be that much fun in front of the camera! Ax

    1. I wish all my deliveries came wrapped like this too! Imagine?!!

  8. He looks fab! Such a natural in front of the camera! Loving the green trousers on him, nice to see another colour other than the usual denim on men. x

    1. He loved them - they're Dockers, I think a man brand for the 40+!

  9. I am so impressed with that packaging!!! He looks incredible, going to check the site out and recommend to the man friend x

    1. It's a super service for single men (in particular) who have some money to spend but can't be arsed .. it was such a treat

  10. Very interesting - is there such a service for us women? X

    1. I shall have a look around - there is a need for one for sure

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