
Friday 31 January 2014

Losing your blogging mojo

I KNOW I am not alone at the moment in that 'I've lost my blogging mojo' feeling. I am going to blame the very long very hard wet winter we've had STILL BLOODY HAVING here in the UK. There is NOTHING inspirational about waking up in darkness, feeling cold and then having to get dressed for the day ahead which involves more cold, more grey skies and more wetness. 

So how do I give myself a kick up the arse? How do I find what to write about next? Who can I turn to for help/inspiration. I truly believe you should blog when you want to blog, when you have something to say. You cannot force yourself as it will come across as forced and not natural but I do also think that if you let it go on for too long you're in danger of losing it forever.

I just read a great article on how to get it back and instead of regurgitating here, it's easier to link to it.

I love this image so much

Source: Greatfun4kids

Here I am today in my too tight clothes, with my hair freshly washed and dried (don't know why I bothered as it's going under a hat for the school run and then it'll be all frizzy and static and ruined) ready for the school run, home to make chilli for nachos (girls coming over later) and then I am going to sink a lot of wine!



Have you lost your blogging mojo? What's your top tip for getting it back?

Have a great w/end!



  1. Very open and honest Fiona. I'm sat here in joggers and trackie top after getting drench wet through walking the dog! I really don't know why I bothered doing hair and make-up this morning!

    I re-read the lovely comments that people leave on my blog which always inspires me xx

    1. I did my hair today too - shouldn't have bothered too!
      Off to read comments and get the spark back!

  2. I've lost it many times over the years Fiona, I think it's quite natural to do so and agree with you if you force it. Even during these times I've wrote posts and thought they were all shit so deleted them. It does usually come back at some point and I truly believe if it never comes back, don't force it, but you can always keep your hand in with outfit shots, if you happen to be a personal style blogger xx

    1. You always speak such sense .. I like that :-)
      Right, wine now, girls here in a moment, food/drinks/laughs and then back on it tomorrow!!!

  3. OMG I have lost mine too. Stupid polar vortex we are having in Canada with -30 Celsius is never fun, let alone help with any type of style.

    1. So it's not just the UK weather that is getting in the way of blogging - pleased to hear (not that you are cold, more that we are not alone)!

  4. I don't know about blogging mojo, I've lost my everything mojo! If you find a cure let me know. You look great btw :-) xx

    1. I shall hunt high and low for you and when I find it I shall hand it back :-)!
      Thank you for nice compliment :-)

  5. I love your top in this photo, espec. with necklace. is it a 2-for- one top or two individual tops?
    Try having mogo to actually wear clothes in 35+ degree heat. (yes I'm Australian) it's lovely for beaches and swimmers, but seriously who wants to put anything else on?? but not really appropriate for the office!

  6. I think it's just that time of the year where it's a struggle to feel inspired for everyone...unless you are in the Southern Hemisphere lol...I am trying to make the most of it as I will be bored as hell with my clothes once it gets too hot for anything but shorts and tees! (I agree with UggBoot above!) You do look amazing - love the necklace:) xx

  7. Oh I'm so with you Girl! Its creeping back a bit but the bad weather & dark days are a nightmare for photo taking which doesn't help either! Big Hugs & Thank You! Ax
