
Wednesday 5 February 2014

Moving swiftly on ...

... from my absence from blogging - man alive life gets in the way always! I did do a mini wardrobe weed I'll have you know. WHAT CHAOS that was! I got out ALL of my jeans from all the places they were hiding and in total I discovered 43 pairs - GASP! Of those 43 I wear (genuinely wear and will not part with) 33 of them. 10 have gone to a charity shop. They were either too short, too big or faded and old (why is it that every pair of black jeans I have ever bought look crap and faded within a few wears??).

My jeans - all of them

The jeans I won't wear and have gone to charity

Jeans I'm keeping that I wear regularly all year round

How I sorted my wardrobe - genius idea to sort around the ironing board into 'tops/cardigans/jumpers/vest tops. I didn't realise I had some many vest tops (over 20!), cardigans (over 10) and jumpers (over 10) - YIKES!

From having done this I set up a little second hand store to shift the cheap cheap stuff.
I also put on ebay some things (branded) and made a few pounds so that pleases me :-)

I've also been busy adding new things to my shop and I am TOTALLY in love with some of the over-sized tshirts - perfect for laying

And so to today, what am I wearing? A bobble hat, parka, scarf from School Gate Style and fugly boots from Lands End - needs must, it's FOUL out there.

Hope you're not too badly hit with the storms and flooding.



  1. 43 pairs of jeans? Fiona! Hope you didn't try them all on #thighchaft. Brill idea using ironing board and I love your parka and bobble hat x

    1. LOL thighchaft - indeed it would have been! I was going to do a post on what I was giving away ie the jeans but really .. what's the point?! It's cold too - I HATE dressing when it's cold.
      33 pairs to keep isn't too bad is it? I have every style going but I DO STILL NEED a pair of skinny kick flare jeans .. hunting

  2. I'm in stitches here - I thought you were keeping 10 and giving 33 to the charity now to count my jeans...maybe I have more than I think. I reckon I only actually wear 10 of them! But seriously, well done on the clear-out...amazing and you're so organised getting everything sold off. Hope it all sells fast! And how young do you look today - great a 24 year old! Thanks for the scarf mention - will have them back in stock on Tuesday next week! xx

    1. ooh nice about looking 24 - thank you!!!!
      LOL keeping 10 and throwing away 33 - come on!!

      Go and count yours - ALL OF YOURS (including patterned/wax coated/skinny/boyfriend/all coloured) - I bet you have more than 10 - BET YOU!

  3. 43 pairs of jeans!!!! funny, I just love the ironing board picture......I also love a good clear out, you see I am not a hoarder so that 43 pairs is making me laugh still. Adore the bobble hat!!! x

    1. I honestly cannot part with 33 pairs - does that make me weird? I thought everybody had this many pairs of jeans (cough cough)!!!!
      I am a total hoarder because I've donated stuff away before only to find it's back in fashion and I have to buy new! GGGRRRRRRR

  4. Fiona, that must be some sort of record. 43!!! 43??? I can't believe you will regularly wear 33 of them!!
    Good on you though. It's great having a good wardrobe weed.
    You look super-cute in your hat. Stay warm xxx love Liz xxx

    1. 43 doesn't look that much stacked up like this?!!!!

  5. Hi my dear!! And there is me thinking I'm a denim addict but after my jeans edit I have just under 30 pairs, what are we like lol!!! Love your cosy outfit, your hat and boots are fabulous xxx

    1. YAY you have lots too - super happy to hear I'm not that weird for having so many!
      Do you have a style that you don't have?!!!!

  6. You make me feel so much better about my wardrobe! Remind me to show my hubs when he thinks I have too many clothes. But seriously, there are 33 pairs there that you wear regularly? I have more like 5 pairs that I wear in rotation and depending on the weather and my mood that day. But I could still do with culling a few more.

    And you look cosy and cool in your day outfit - the weather - tis miserable out there!

    1. You see, I am adding a service for all by being the one you can point your husbands too when they complain of your clothes!!

  7. trying to summon the energy to do the same, but can't be arsed, if it is still p***ing down next week (which by the way it is forecast to be) meet me for a coffee at Bicester Village? I tend to not work Thurs or Fri if you are around?

    1. actually can only do Thursday as half term starts on Friday, oh joy in this weather....

    2. I work Thursday and then it's half term as you say - let's plan for something in late Feb/March

    3. yes, we'll celebrate surviving half term and not being under water, although levels rising fast around here.

  8. Wowsers!! I'm going to show my hubby too!! Lol! I have about 5 pairs of jeans but do need more! Not sure if I'll make 43 but that is one achievement! You've done well to have a good clear out! Do it again in the Spring & I bet there will be more you cull too! Ax

    1. I should be pleased my husband doesn't complain too much then - ssssh don't tell him - I have said that all girls have this many pairs!
