Sunday 31 May 2015

What my children think ...

I saw these questions via a friend on Facebook. I thought I'd ask my children. I said 'I'm going to ask you some questions, just answer them without hesitation'

Alex is 10 and Oliver is 8

What is something mum always says to you?
Oliver: I love you
Alex: I love you

What makes mum happy?
Oliver: When we’re polite and kind
Alex: Us being good boys

What makes mum sad?
Oliver: When we don’t listen
Alex: Us not behaving well

How does mum make you laugh?
Oliver: She doesn’t
Alex; By ticking me and telling funny jokes

What was mum like as a child?
Oliver: I don’t know
Alex: I have no clue

How old is mum?
Oliver: 41
Alex: 41

How tall is mum?
Oliver: 1 metre 70
Alex: 5 ft 10

What is her favourite thing to do?
Oliver: Spend time with us
Alex: buy shoes

What does mum do when you’re not around?
Oliver: Go on her computer
Alex: I don’t know because I’m not around .. probably buy more shoes!

If your mum becomes famous what will it be for?
Oliver: Selling clothes and fashion blogger
Alex: Having the most pairs of shoes

What is your mum really good at?
Oliver: cooking
Alex: being a very good mum and loving and caring for us … looking after us

What is your mum not really good at?
Oliver: Playing at the xbox
Alex: nothing

What does your mum do for a job?
Oliver: Sell clothes and works like most mums
Alex: she sells clothes

What is your mum’s favourite food?
Oliver: My dad’s lasagne
Alex: Chinese

What makes you proud of your mum?
Oliver: Being nice
Alex: everything, because you are very loving and understanding and you’ll always be there for me

If mum was a character who would she be?
Oliver: I don’t know
Alex: Wonderwoman because she’s wonderful

What do you and mum do together?
Oliver: Swimming
Alex: Have fun

How are you and mum the same?
Oliver: Cos we get tans and Alex and Daddy don’t
Alex: Because we’ve got the same DNA

How are you and mum different?
Oliver: We’re into different stuff
Alex: Cos we’ve got different likes and understandings

How do you know mum loves you?
Oliver: Cos she’s kind and not like horrible
Alex: because she gives me kisses and cuddles at nighttime and says she loves me

What does mum like most about Dad?
Oliver: That he’s kind and good at cooking
Alex: His looks and kindness

Where is mums favourite place to go?
Oliver: Anywhere with us
Alex: LA because she can then see her sister

How old was mum when you were born?
Oliver: 33
Alex: 31

Over to those clothes and shoes they talk about:
Some of WIW this week (obviously having a blue week)!!

If you want to ask your children the same questions, here they are

  1. What is something mum always says to you?
  2. What makes mum happy?
  3. What makes mum sad?
  4. How does mum make you laugh?
  5. What was mum like as a child?
  6. How old is mum?
  7. How tall is mum?
  8. What is her favourite thing to do?
  9. What does mum do when you’re not around?
  10. If your mum becomes famous what will it be for?
  11. What is your mum really good at?
  12. What is your mum not really good at?
  13. What does your mum do for a job?
  14. What is your mum’s favourite food?
  15. What makes you proud of your mum?
  16. If mum was a character who would she be?
  17. What do you and mum do together?
  18. How are you and mum the same?
  19. How are you and mum different?
  20. How do you know mum loves you?
  21. What does mum like most about Dad?
  22. Where is mums favourite place to go?
  23. How old was mum when you were born?
Do ask your child/ren - it's interesting!



  1. Love love love this!!! Just shows what a difference a couple of years in age can make - but they still love your hugs and kisses :)

    1. I didn't think they knew how much I loved them due to all my fish wife shouting but it's great to know that they do feel loved and cherished :-)!
      Ask yours and let me know what the replies are.

  2. That's fab, I may regret asking my teen these questions.
    I love the 'How does Mum make you laugh' & the 'she doesn't' answer. haha x

    1. Ask them independently, I was surprised at the similar answers and the love love love they have for me!

  3. That really made me laugh! I am not sure I would really want to know my boys answers... prob be a lot of 'mummy likes to buy clothes for herself' and not a lot else...

    1. You must ask them Vicky - it's sweet listening to them :-)

  4. Right I'm off to ask the little 'un. Daren't ask the eldest for fear of answers I don't want to hear x

    1. I've stored the answers (here) and on my PC and I will ask them in 5 years time - suspect their answers may be very different!

  5. Fantastic Fiona! Just done this with Gracie....first answers for me, then the same questions with Dad. Very interesting indeed! Brilliant exercise, a real eye-opener! xx

    1. Eye opener yes! I honestly didn't think they felt the love as much as they obviously do!

  6. Soooooo cute! I'm going to ask my 2 tomorrow & see what they come out with! Scared much! xx

    1. Let me know what they say! Ask them independently of each other!

  7. This is just great! Wish my boy was a bit older to do this. Something to look back on when they are older x

    1. I will do it again in 5 years and I bet the answers aren't as 'kind'!

  8. Haha - love this! Shoes shoes shoes!!! They are so funny your boys.
    Loving the outfits too - you really suit those shades of blue xx

    1. Boys hey?! I wonder what they'll be saying in 10 years time? Oh hold on, they'll have left home!
      Love blue :-)!

  9. I'll definitely be doing this, Fiona! So adorable. You're clearly a wonderful mum to your gorgeous boys. So cute! Anyway, back to those shoes... Lynne xx

    1. LOL yes, the shoes! That made me laugh! They have 2 pairs literally (school and trainers) and they are always baffled that I have over 100 ... pah, boys!

    2. Fiona, I just did this. It's hilarious!! Apparently I was 51 when I had him and it's all about cooking with me! xx

  10. Love this! Such lovely answers from your boys, lots of love and shoes buying at your house. I'm not sure I want to hear the answers my 16 and 17 years old will give me! X

    1. I'd be scared of asking them if they were much older!

  11. Great idea! Reassuring answers! I just asked my 10 year daughter and strangely her answers were quite similar - phew!

    1. Reassuring that they do know we love them really!

  12. Aw, that is so lovely! And not a single mention of wine :) Which is why I'm definitely not asking these questions of my daughter ...

    1. OMG of course no wine - I guess when they see how much I drink they just think it's water for grown ups?!!!!!!!

  13. I think you're doing a great job with your boys if the first thing they think of is how much you love them. Awww.

    I have to do this with my boys! This should be interesting - especially the answers from the little one.

  14. Love this, good answers boys!! Love the shoes answers sounds like they have their Mum pretty much sussed out! xx

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