Tuesday 21 July 2015

Boden Discount Code

Just thought I'd share a code that works 20% off at Boden - A2T5

A lot of women on Avenue 57 (write to me if you want to join the secret discussion group on Facebook - fiona@avenue57.com) are currently after the boyfriend shirt:

Full price - £59 but with 20% off it works out to be £47.20 and they have free delivery at the moment too!

 Comes in pink or white too

If you have a picture of you wearing the boyfriend shirt then please email me and (with your permission) I'll add to the end of this blog post.



  1. It's ace Fiona. I haven't got a full length picture (but you can see the bottom of it on Instagram). Comes up big though! x

  2. I like that but am never sure about Boden,
    Lorraine x
