Monday 29 December 2014

Review of 2014

Let's quickly skip over the fact that I've not blogged for a very long time.

Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas break. I've managed to gain weight, damage my liver and lose track of what day it is. I cannot wait to get stuck back into a daily routine of kids at school, me at work and my NEW HEALTHY way of living. I need to undo all that  has been done lately so be prepared to be bored of my nutribullet pictures on Insta!

What better way to slip back into blogging with some of my favourite looks throughout the year.
I cannot be bothered to do a 'oh look at what's in the sales' post - BORING! I am totally bamboozled by the sales and I've promised myself to curb all spending as I have 3 girlie holidays to go on next year and we haven't yet planned our family summer one. Needs must, the clothes shopping has to stop.

Here's hoping I've broken the blogger block and I can get right back into the swing of things soon. My next blog post will be on over the knee boots.

I've also decided to try and grow my hair again, having looked back at all the photographs I did prefer it long.


For daily inspiration from lots of women around the world then hop on over to the Avenue 57 Facebook group.


  1. Doesn't time just fly? I love your hair short but tbh I'm bored of mine atm & think I want some layers chopped into it! Isn't it great to be able to look back on your outfits?! x

    1. I'm bored of mine too! Time to grow it, hate it and then cut it again!!!!!!!!

  2. Welcome back! we to have not stopped eating and drinking for what feels like weeks now. Can't wait for a bit of structure. Sales snails, isn't everything on discount for most of the time, I have been bored of it since November!

    1. I've not looked for a long time. I don't need anything and 2015 is all about ME and my holidays with friends, not another breton top I don't need!!!!

  3. I'm so with you in the sales front. Can' The only thing I really want/need is a pair of dark wash jeans and that's too boring for words. Love your 2014 looks and yo definitely do NOT need any new clothes. Happy New Year Fiona xx

    1. Rock n roll Donna with your needs!!
      Pleased I'm not the only one suffering with salesitus

  4. Some great looks from the last few months Fiona. The only thing I need from the sales is a down coat which is on its way! I'm bored of the sales too and exhausted of trying to put outfits together so I've been slobbing out between work days which are easy because I wear uniform - lazy mare is my middle name! I love you hair short too. Xxx

    1. I got the Mango one - MAN ALIVE it's amazing!

  5. Great post, Fiona. Love seeing all of your different looks together. Personally, I prefer your hair short - you look fantastic at the moment. Lynne xx

    1. Thank you Lynne, what a lovely thing to say! I have a spring in my step today now!

  6. Are you going on another no spend challenge Fiona? I should do the same, so much to pay out for but I might wait until after the sales and keep going until the next sales start! x

    1. I am yes. 3 holidays need paying for! We also have a lot of work to the house to do.

  7. I'm another one who prefers you with shorter hair I'm afraid! I love these posts, it's so interesting to see how people's style changes, even over a short time like a year. And I do agree, you probably don't need any new clothes!! Happy New Year!

    Becky x

  8. I am going to Fat Face tomorrow. Yikes!
    Happy New Year to you too
