Thursday 12 March 2015

You are what you eat

EDITED: Didn't know where I was going with this post and it's not fashion related at all but it's my blog so I can choose what to write about! It's not even really interesting to read but it's helped me get it all down!

You are what you eat ...

There is so much truth in this! I seriously mean it. With medical conditions aside you truly are the shape you are due to what you put down your throat and no excuses are going to make that any different. You're kidding yourself if you think it's anything else.

I have always been stick thin, painfully so at school and during my early 20's. I looked unwell and weighed  around 8 stone (I'm 5ft 9). I couldn't gain weight at all and used to (at Uni) eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and not gain a single pound. Don't hate me, being super thin is as bad for your self esteem as being super fat. I also used to go 'clubbing' for hours on end a couple of nights a week so while I wasn't doing traditional exercise, I was at least moving and working out in the way I loved.

I then went on to gain weight when I got married and had children. My shape changed but I managed to lose the baby weight (I ate like a horse and gained nearly 4 stone in each pregnancy) after a few years of each child being born. I then coasted along feeling good, always still complaining that my tummy wobbled and I hated my small boobs, because that's what we women do - we complain a lot about the things we hate and we don't focus on the things we love. But I never did any exercise.

I then turned 40, started drinking more, eating more and for a while this worked ok. But now ... it is not working out ok. I still love a decent glug of wine (yes I know it's not good for you, yes I know it's got lots of wasted calories, yes I know it's unhealthy, yes .. I know all that thank you), and I now have started to love food even more and I still bloody hate exercise - loathe it - detest it - despise it. I make EVERY excuse going as to why I can't do any and I still do have some genuine excuses as to why I can't go/get to the gym or get out to run but there is one thing I can do and that is workout at home. I am here to look after the children, it costs nothing and if I can't make 30 mins in the day to schedule it in then I'm going wrong (seriously wrong) with my time management.

And so, here it is, an open pledge to me, from me and in front of you that I, Fiona Blake, who is nearly 42 and is gaining weight and changing shape quite quickly, so all clothes are starting to hurt when I wear them, will do exercise of SOME kind 5 days out of the 7 we have in a week to prove to myself that if you put the effort in you will reap the rewards. I also want to prove my mother wrong. She is FOREVER telling me I'll fail before I've even tried and she's been totally right for the past 10 years but now ... now I tell you .... she is so wrong! If that is my motivation then bring it on!

What exercise will I do?
I'm going to mix up my workouts that I do at home (if I have 5 sat on the side ranging from hard core 30 day shred, dance ones, limp old lady style workouts to pilates or yoga and then at the weekends go for a good old hearty walk) then I don't think I'll get bored.

I've just done the 30 day shred - level 1. My legs ache but it was over in 20 minutes. I can handle that right? 20 mins less on Facebook each day and there is a CHANCE I'll start to like my shape again!

Tomorrow I'm not working so I'll attempt to walk/jog for 20 mins. If I keep doing these little bitesize exercises then I'm SURE I'll see results. This is what I used to look like pre-children and I KNOW I'll never look like that again but if I don't start moving more I'm going to have a shit old lady body and I don't want that.

I took my body measurements in I think it was 2013:

Weight - 8st 11lbs
Thighs - 20"
Hips - 37"
Tummy - 29"

And I took them again just now:

Weight - 9st 6lbs
Thighs - 21"
Hips - 38.5"
Tummy - 32" (this is pure wine)

So there we have it, that is me and I am going to make damn sure I get that waist measurement down (not fussed about weight, it's about health and stability moving forward).

End of self indulgent diary post (did you know that I used to write a diary every day from age 11 through to 27 when I met my husband. I literally stopped within a month of meeting him and being happy).



  1. Brilliant post Fiona, I know we were being a bit daft on A57 (well I was anyway), but it takes a lot to put yourself out there and commit to getting fit to the entire internet! Baby steps, keep it up, and you'll feel fabulous in no time xx

    Ps I so recommend you watch that This Girl Can video on YouTube if you haven't already. If that doesn't get you ready to exercise don't know what will :-) xx

    1. I can also eat a lot of humble pie and back track right?!!!
      I have watched that video and I can't put my finger on why but it annoys the hell out of me - I don't know why though as I know it's motivated so many women and it should continue to do so.

    2. Ha ha i'll stop banging on about it now then shall i? ;-)

  2. Fiona, you look great now, and do you not think you get enough exercise with two young one's, looking after a house and work? Don't be so hard on yourself. However if you do want to try short workouts,the only way is essexercise is good as is the short work out by Davina. But my last word is that I dont know why you are worrying!
    Laurie x

    1. Laurie, my boys are a bit older, they don't need me anymore (age 7 and 10). I work on my ass at home and at my day job. I drive everywhere. I literally do nothing! Time to change.

  3. It's always a sign to do something when your clothes get too tight isn't it? I dont weigh myself, I go by how my clothes feel. Trying to cut back myself as I'm not breastfeeding anymore but at home = boredom eating. Plus when it's cold I want food dammit!

    Good luck, I'd love to exercise 5 days a week & I love exercise! Still, sounds like you are up for a challenge! :)

    1. If I do it for one reason only it's to prove to my mother that I can do it!

  4. You'll do brilliantly!!! Post that photo of you on the fridge door or somewhere you will see it daily! Nothing better to make you think 2x - before you know it you'll be exercising without thinking about it! Treat yourself to some new workout gear - shallow - but it works :) xx

    1. oh ... I treated myself with wine .. this is where I'm going wrong isn't it?!

  5. Can't wait to start 30ds again when my shoulder has healed ..I am 46 and was really pleased with my shape last year ...I even started to get some tummy shape,and fab arms .. something I've always wanted. Keep it up ...I will be on it with you in a few weeks xxx

    1. How long did you do the shred for? Do I REALLY have to do it for 30 days straight?!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Put that amazing picture of you on the fridge! Great post. X

    1. I'll print it out and show myself off to me in the morning! Just having a glass of wine at the moment ........................!

  7. Ooooo I love a mission statement and this is a great one....I am so with you on the exercise thing, I really feel I do not have time for exercise but people do so it is possible. I am jumping on this one with you I have a jelly belly and extra weight to shift. You look bloody amazing in that bikini pic and I am sure you don't really look that different now in a bikini. Good luck with it!!!

    1. naked I do sadly - I am good at hiding it but I don't want to. I want to get back to the clothes I was able to wear 2 years ago.

  8. It does get harder as you get older so I know where you're coming from. I found that the extra pounds I put on last year didn't come off when I expected them and I carried them till Christmas when I said enough was enough. I don't exercise but I did try to do more school run walks rather than bundle them in the car and I stopped with the double breakfasts. I shifted it but you need to want to do it and I really did - my clothes felt horrible. Good luck - I'm rooting for you and if it makes you feel any better, I nearly weigh as much as you and I'm a foot shorter!

    1. I REALLY do want to do it - I've coasted for too long (ok 6 months) ignoring it but when your clothes don't feel right and you hate the sight of what you see when you stand to the side then it's time to do something. I know it'll take a while though!

  9. Thank god for the boho trend is year. Loose, baggy tunics. This time last year I was running. Hated the thought of it but as soon as I got out of the door, it was actually ok. Can't get myself going again this year. I shall sit and eat cocoa pops and watch your progress Fiona x

    1. I have tried running a couple of times - I just can't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I have a big girlie holiday in June - I am working towards that

  10. Davina is amazing! I think I have a tiny crush on her (or so my husband says) I have a few of her DVDs so that I don't get bored of the same workouts and it's perfect for doing at home during nap time. You look amazing in that photo! Definite inspiration :) xx

  11. You look amazing in your photo Fiona so that should definitely be your inspiration! You are so brave.....even if I looked that good in a bikini I wouldn't have the nerve to share it! xx

    1. Oh I have no cares who sees what :-)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Just you wait until I post the updated version in 3 months

  12. I always think you look great Fiona, but good luck on your challenge, you can do it. Really enjoyed your post, please think about doing a follow up let us know how it's going.
    Sue xx

    1. Hi Sue, I absolutely will do my best to follow up - regardless of how I do!

  13. It is trying to decide what will work and I am convinced that I would have to do some serious workouts to gain a) a flat tummy and b) loose my arse! Ageing doesn't help. Dr Michael Moseley says it is purely what you eat and exercise doesn't really make much difference H E L P who should be believe? I don't even think that wine actually makes that much difference. I did the 'stay sober for October' and felt NO difference! I wish you luck and, trust me, you are not alone. Nice bikini shot btw. :0) H xx

    1. I believe it's everything - you eat you drink you move - in equal measures.

  14. God, I LOATHE exercise with an absolute passion - so I totally feel your pain. Personally I think you look absolutely amazing and have nothing to worry about, but I guess that doesn't matter if you're not convinced yourself. I'll be interested to see how you get on - I've joined a gym (ugh) and have been trying to cut back on food and wine (ugh again) but oh man, it's very very slow progress :( Good luck xxx

    1. I can't join a gym so little workouts at home is the way forward - I still hate it though!
      Best of luck with your gym activity!

  15. I think you look fantastic but if you don't feel confident then you need to do something about it! I run and I love it. I try for 6 days a week, which doesn't always come off with a 4 yr old and 2 yr old underfoot! Thing is you need to find something you enjoy and will stick with, otherwise it will always be a chore and it won't last. Running is it for me and I love how it makes me feel - strong, confident, sexy. Main thing is to get your mojo back. Make short goals, stick with it

    1. I have tried running - it hurts! (and I look stupid)!
      I am doing small bitesized workouts at home. Something is working because after 2 days I can't walk! I need to make daily exercise part of my routine - gone are the days I can do nothing. Sigh, getting older sucks!

  16. I've just found your blog and thought I would reply to this post as I really identified with it. I am the same age as you. I too have always been stick thin and recently I too have noticed the dread wine belly appearing. I wanted you to know you can do this! I started getting back into exercise by doing the 30 day shred twice a week, moving on to 3 times a week for a month. I then started the Blogilates monthly calendars ( not for everyone but I like the fact you get sent a new workout plan each month) After 1.5 mths of doing this I feel great. I have gained a little weight (as muscle) and lost several centimetres from my waist. Trousers no longer painful. Just wanted to share and hopefully offer a bit of encouragement! P.s I haven't given up the wine or weekend cocktails ;-)

    1. Hi Nicki, I'm so pleased that you've managed to find your exercise mojo. I'm still trying hard to find mine but just reading from you has helped me! Will do a work out DVD for sure - I've got so many!!!
