Thursday, 27 August 2015

If I can do it then so can the big brands

I've decided to offer free UK delivery on every order regardless of the size. I want to make a point that if I can do it THEN SO CAN OTHERS. I want to name and shame but there are SO many of them out there that charge for delivery and I fear I will miss some of them out!

ASOS and Boden absolutely have it right but that is because they started out as online stores. They've never had a high street presence and so their own way of doing business is online and with the customer at the forefront of their mind and not profit. The irony is that they receive more orders because of the free delivery (I am guessing but I bet it's true)!

As of today, Avenue 57 Pop Up Shop will offer free UK delivery on any order!

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Honest discussion/feedback on Tu Clothing online

I was so excited when Tu Clothing launched recently. I blogged about it here. I've been going on for years that they needed to get with the modern age of online store for clothes etc (I even told them I would help them!!!) so I was really pleased when it went live. BUT ... I read the small print for delivery/returns when a friend asked (you can click and collect for free (orders over £15) but if you don't have a local store then you're going to have rely on their delivery charges. This got me thinking. I posted in the secret group on Avenue 57 this morning about this. Here is my actual post:

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Tu Clothing now online - HOORAH!

I can't tell you how long I have been waiting for this! I promise you, at least 3 years+. I have written to Sainsbury's many times asking them when they would do it, did they want a hand sorting it out etc and now I am so pleased that Tu Clothing from Sainsbury's is ONLINE!

I have so many clothes from there that when I wear them people always ask and are always shocked when I say 'Sainsbury's'. Gone are the days of being a snob about where you bought your clothes from.

Oh can I just say now - THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED POST! I gush about all things I love and want to share with you.

This week Tu Clothing is offering 25% off everything online and instore and off ALL items including sale items) - WAHOO WAHOO double WAHOO!

The ladies over at Avenue 57 (secret outfit sharing group on Facebook - get in touch if you want to join - are getting all excited about a lot of things. Including:

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Denim Shirt Dress

I'm kicking myself that in Tesco yesterday I didn't buy this shirt dress. I tried it on but was being rushed by being able to hear my two brats children running around outside causing mayhem. I wish I'd bought it and tried it on at home and styled it with my lovely pink high heels/trainers/flip flops. If truth be known I was also being tight! I hate paying full price for things but it was only £20 so I really am kicking myself now. The length was perfect too (too long for some though because at 5ft 9 it sat on me as it does here on the model - proper knee length).

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Carnage and a tan removal mitt

Let's gloss over the fact that I've not been around for a while blogging. A few good reasons:

Summer holidays (they are over soon aren't they? Please tell me so)
Life (work, house, husband, kids etc etc)
A book - you have to read this if you love easy to read books

CARNAGE: Book #1 The Story Of Us by Lesley Jones 
In essence it's a love story but it's no Mills & Boon (neither is it on a par with 50 Shades of Grey)! I picked it up last Monday evening and COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN! I literally ignored everyone for 2 days and I read it through the night too. Amazing how little sleep you actually need. It has a follow up book and that didn't disappoint either.

Tan Removal Mitt
I ordered these tan mitts last month for the shop and I wasn't so sure if they would work or not. I am TERRIBLE at applying false tan even though I use it all the time. I am ok with face/neck/arms and the main bits of my legs but don't ever look closely at my wrists/hands and feet.

My very good blogging friend Avril from School Gate Style ordered one after I'd raved online about them and she too loved hers!  Since then many many many false tan lovers have ordered. I have a few left so if you love false tan but you hate the mistakes you make on application OR you want to get rid of the uneven fade then it's the best £6 you will spend.  Order online here today.

Let's see if this simple post has cleared by bloggers block!
