Friday 11 September 2015

THE best wrap/cape ever .. or is it?

Last week the ladies on Avenue 57 were all in a frenzy about this 'amazing' cape/wrap/shrug knit thing from Tesco.

It started with this picture

Helps that Tanya is just gorgeous and stylish anyway. DO NOT talk to me about how stunning her hair is .. just don't OK?!

Then that picture above lead to these below!

And on the real model (This cape is only £16 by the way)


I got mine yesterday. I picked it up, I tried it on, I put it down. And repeat 3 times. In the end I asked the ladies on Avenue 57 what they thought and before anyone had responded I thought sod it, I'll buy it, take it home and see if I love it even more there. So it's sat on a hanger waiting to be loved because I don't love it right now. I just wanted to look like Tanya and I don't!

I got the M because they didn't have S and I think it's too big? I also didn't intend to share this photo so apologies for its crapness. It's ok, it's a bit itchy scratchy due to the wool blend, it has a funny leather trim too it that you can't see and I think it'll annoy me as you don't wrap it around your body and there is no fastening mechanism so it just hangs and I fear it might fall off and just slip down and generally bug me!

To cape or not to cape, that is the question?

Summer sale now on, many items £10 or less! CLICK HERE to view the Avenue 57 Pop Up Shop


  1. I love it one everyone....including you but I knew the moment I saw it that if I owned one I would be constantly fiddling with it so I will be giving all things this style a wide berth because I can't stand faffing with anything! xx

    1. I think this is the reason I'll be returning - I can see it now just forever falling off my shoulders and I'll be fiddling all the time. I want one that has the ability to fasten it.

  2. I still have a cape. I bought it years ago from H&M and on the faffing about scale it scores quite high. I may eek it out and give it another go this season. I am rubbish at getting rid of stuff because it always comes back round! I like them on everyone here. xx

    1. I want a cape but it has to have buttons/clips etc. I think that's why I'm not in love with this hangy wrap thing. I have a ton of ponchos that I LOVE!

  3. I think it's the colour actually. A charcoal or black would be so much better on you. Leave the sludgy taupes and browns to people like me (lol). You deserve better!! I bought a 'sludgy' coloured one at the back end of summer in the sale. So far I've used it to warm my knees watching footie!!! And, it leaves bits all over my trousers.

    1. It's back in the bag and to be returned, I am not happy and at the moment I have to be 100% in love with everything I buy. Off to TK Maxx to see what they have !

  4. Grab me a medium if you see another! It is perfect for colder days here! xx

    1. Reading what Donna has just said maybe it will drain me!?

    2. I'm just back from Tesco, I could've picked one up for you!

  5. I love wraps, capes & ponchos so was just itching to go & hunt this out. I'm just back from Tesco.....without said cape! I tried it on & although I loved the colours, it seemed really short on me???

    I tried moving it around but the front fell just past my hips whereas I was hoping it was more like mid-low thigh level. This was a medium so I tried the large but it absolutely swamped me & looked ridiculous :(. I think I'll try the grey leopard poncho from Next instead although I did manage to pick up an amazing grey check coatigan! X

    1. I shall try Next and also I know TK Maxx always have some great ones.

    2. I've just been on TK Maxx website looking at scarves on theres lots of capes and wraps on there xx

  6. They look effortlessly cool and stylish on other people but I think I'll be staying clear, no buttons means it's going to drop off me which will make me fiddle end eventually I'll get hot, flustered and irritable and besides all that where does your your handbag go?! I'll be sticking to my coat this winter. I'm not that cool or effortlessly stylish, it takes lots of effort just to get dressed on a morning 😩

    1. I think that is why I don't want to keep it - the falling off factor and faffing around will drive me crazy!

  7. Hi there - please can you post a link to Tanya's blog? I love her shoes in the top pic and dying to ask where they're from! Thanks very much x

  8. I too tried it on & put it back, then tried it on & put it back yesterday! I just didn't LOVE it and had a cape/throw thingy last year from River Island and never wore it so thought I will end up just looking at the Tesco one wishing I looked like every else who wears it so stylishly
    Looking forward to you styling it Fiona x

    1. That was me Ruth - I should have just left it on the rack!

  9. I really love the look of these, but on everyone else! I have already tried this on, but being only 5'2 it's a definite no no. However on you Fiona it's great, you have the body that can carry it off
    Laurie x

    1. I just feel it was too big and too ... just too ... loose. I want a button!

  10. If you don't love it, bring it back. Personally the lack of fastening would drive me bananas. I used to have one a few years ago, but it ended up in the charity bag - typical! Just as they come back into fashion!!

    1. I need to remember that. I picked it up and put it down 3 times before saying to myself 'just go home and try it on'!

  11. Think you made the right decision - just doesn't look right to me. Also I always think capes tend to be a bit like a cross between a dressing gown/ blanket on me!!

    1. Totally agree - finally someone agrees with me!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I really wish I could pull one of these off, but they're just not me! xx

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