Tuesday 24 February 2015

Day 2 - My Children Chose My #OOTD

It was all going so well when Oliver (7) picked out one of my new favourite dresses from Wolf & Whistle last night in preparation for today's #ootd.

I then told him that in just a dress I'd be cold so he went to choose a couple of (random) layers to keep me warm.

He then (by his own conclusion) realised that a jumper/top would cover up 'the pretty dress' too much so he was on the hunt for something 'open'. I got out all my cardigans of all styles and colours and he chose the dullest grey one that I've not worn in forever!

He then chose a scarf to keep me warm and out of all my scarves (40+) he chose the one that looks like an oversized mirkin.

So that was Oliver done. Next to Alex (10) who was to choose the tights/accessories and boots. We soon ditched the gold necklace because it would be covered by the faux fur collar.

And here I am in all my mortifying morning glory. I was due to sit with other mums at 7.30 this morning to watch early morning swimming but I couldn't do it - what a coward! Oliver also was throwing an absolute hissy fit about my 'ugly tights' and he refused to get out of the car too!

Here I go to work looking like a bag of spanners!

Have a good day y'all!



  1. I'm sitting alone in my kitchen howling with laughter!!!!!!! If this is only day two, I can't wait for the next few days. Fair play to you! xx

  2. Replies
    1. I've just realised that it's very male of them to think women should wear dresses/pinks/floral!

  3. Oh Fiona, only you could be that brave to embark on this challenge. I absolutely can't wait for tomorrow's post xx

    1. Thank god I shortened the experience to just 5 working days and NOT covering the weekend!

  4. What a fabulous experiment! How incredibly brave of you! ;) Looking forward to the remaining outfits (although I don't think anything can possibly beat this one lol)!

    1. Brave or stupid, I can't decide! It has been fun so far although today is a little out there!

  5. How funny, your children are doing a brilliant job. Can't wait to see tomorrows. x

  6. I think this is such a fun idea, so cute! x

  7. Love this especially the pink tights, excited to see what the boys come up with for tomorrow...go boys!! xx

    1. I put the pink tights in the bin last night - they are foul!

  8. Is it weird that I don't think this looks too bad??! You are extremely brave, I would be going to bed a bag of nerves every night! Xx

  9. If this was me, I would have had a pre-emptive clearout of all the scary stuff in my wardrobe. That might not leave me with much to wear though! I can't believe you're doing this, but I do thank you for doing it so that we don't have to ;-)
