I type this the heavens have opened, it’s VERY dark in the house and I’ve put
lights on! The rain is LASHING down
outside and I can barely hear myself think! (I lie .. I wrote most of this post
yesterday and that was true of then .. now it’s a new day and the sun is
never owned an umbrella other than the bog standard black fold up ones .. and
I’ve lost them all. I don’t know why I
don’t use one, I do the school run and I hate getting wet – makes sense to use
an umbrella then! I guess as I’m
starting to take more pride in everything I wear and in particular how the use
of an accessory can make an outfit, I’d better start take more pride in the
umbrella I own!
recently found one in my parent’s garage.
I saw it and loved it for its vintage look. It's a fabric umbrella and I found out later it belonged to my late Gran
so I know its PROPER vintage!!
started to use it more and more but it’s also got me thinking about buying a
new one for other days – ie trying to match my brolly with my rain coat (more
on rain coats later, it deserves a whole new blog post of its own – as does
are MANY basic standard brollies on offer wherever you look but if you want a
funky umbrella then the search continues .. but I’ve done all that for you and
here are my Top 10 Stylish Umbrellas that won’t break the bank.
no particular order, here are the umbrellas I found when searching and fell in
This is so pretty and girlie, I love the colour and the pattern. It’s a mini one so perfect for always having in your handbag.
love a ditsy floral print umbrella
and I knew Cath Kidston would deliver that for me. I love green and the flowers and it’s a small
mini size, so again, perfect for the handbag/pushchair basket for the school
run rain (incidentally, why do it always rain at school drop off and pick up

The price alone is why I fell in love with it – plus the heart design. Matalan never fail to deliver on cute every
day bargains. I’ve not handled this one
so I can’t say how robust it would be in a windy rain storm but for a light
shower I bet it does the job!
would feel 5 years old if I had this one – it’s so childish in its design but
very practical to protecting you from the driving rain. At £10 it’s a bargain too.
shouts out timeless classic to me – I think the name alone helps! It’s sophisticated in its blue, funky with
its stripes and versatile due to the multitude of colours.
love orange and have an orange mac .. I reckon this would be the perfect
accessory for that coat and others (denim jacket, blazer etc).
it’s navy and spotty then I’ll love it – I have an obsession with polka dots
(and stripes, but that’s a whole other blog post right there!). This one is what I would say VERY pricey but
the detail and quality even from a picture stands out – 16 fabric panels –
is awesome – I love a crook handle umbrella and this would be fantastic for a
parasol or as an umbrella
is simply gorgeous – the red is stunning and the grey trim really adds to the
look of the brolly
love for spots and stripes is almost equal to my love of animal print – this is
an elegant umbrella and not one that leaves you looking like Bet Lynch (there
are lots of them on the market!!)
many umbrellas do you own? Do you use
them? I am off to buy some (it’s close
call between the Kensington Stripe and the navy polka dot one!)
Hi Fiona! We came across your post today and hoped that maybe you could consider one of our umbrellas next time you're inspired to write about fashionable umbrellas! Our high quality umbrellas have fun, colourful designs and some have "cheeky" statements to bring a smile to your face on a rainy day. E.g. When does it start raining men? Hope you'll check us out!