Thursday 25 April 2013

7 Days, 7 Looks

Have had a great week with lots of positive things happening and it's always good to take stock and remember the good times when they roll .... taking that moment .. bare with, bare with.....

The sun has made an appearance here in Berkshire and it has totally lifted my mood and I'm THRILLED to be able to wear tshirts without a layer, heels, etc - it makes ALL the difference to me when the sun shines.

Here is what I've worn over the past week - mostly old stuff I have but still workable if you mix and match and get creative. I love doing that - ie making my wardrobe work harder for me rather than buying lots of new things. Don't get me wrong, I would love to spend money on clothes and jewellery all day every day but finances dictate otherwise right now.

Sunday Lunch out with family
Mango Top (recent but in the sale)
Mango Jacket (recent but in the sale)
Wallis Necklace (recent but in the sale)
M&S Raspberry shoes - (ancient)


A children's reptile party on the sunniest/warmest day of the year - love my jeans rolled up and wearing with shoes

House of Fraser Tshirt (last year)
Zara pearls - current and can buy now
TK Maxx Shoes (ancient & amazing hey?!)

A working from home day, seeing no-one other than doing the school run
H&M Grey tshirt
The White Company skirt
New Look stripey jumper
Sainsbury's jeans
Peacocks grey boots - similar to be bought here

A day of posing with reluctant photographer (husband) but for him being in a hurry and washing his motorbike at the same time, I think they came out ok?

House of Fraser Tshirt - last year
Mint Velvet Trousers - can be bought now
New Look Wedges - old
Room 31 Midi Dress - can be bought now - use AVENUE25 for 25% off your order
Beauty & The Boutique oversized clutch - old

And this is what I'm wearing today for a day in a clients office
House of Fraser Tshirt - I PROMISE I have washed this!
Zara Blazer - old
Sainsbury's wax coated skinny jeans - old
Deichmann Tan Heels - old (if you're looking for cheap shoes then you have to check them out)

Here are what other gorgeous ladies have been wearing every day over the past week

                                             Fashion Passion                 My Midlife Fashion

                                                    Spidie                     The Agoraphobic Fashionista

                                                  CathyP                        Cous Cous & Cork Wedges 

Hope you've had a good week and if you've worn something rather nice this week then pop on over to Avenue 57 and post your look - the ladies there are super friendly and WILL boost your day with nice compliments!



  1. Great selection of photos - need a second look to take it all in! My fav is still that party outfit with the pearls and the fabulous sandals. You rocked it! Ax

  2. I am going to wear that again and again because it was so easy to wear yet the pearls and sandals gave it an edge I think?

  3. I have to say the TK Maxx sandals are totally awesome - sometimes it just pays to spend a bit of time in TK Maxx and have a good rummage. Or ... go online :o)

    1. I love TK Maxx for shoes but you do have to be patient - there are not so many pairs in a size 7 that are nice - I forget to look online .. I should because it is my favourite shop in the whole wide world ever!

  4. OMG I need those sandals in my life. That's it ... I'm going to start stalking TK Maxx!!!! x

    1. LOL!! I keep going but I have not seen ANYTHING at ALL like this ever again!

  5. Oh yes those TKMaxx shoes are amazing! gutted they are old and I can't get a pair! xx

    1. I shall keep my eye out for more amazing shoes and in time might sell them on/these on/other shoes on!

  6. Um those sandals are all kinds of amazing. I wish it was 5 degrees warmer here so that I could do the whole sandal thing.

    1. Yes I know - today it's freezing - I need WARMTH NOW
