Tuesday 2 April 2013

White stilettos are making a comeback

As I sit and pre-write this blog post it's April 1 but I promise you it's no joke. I've heard for a few months about the white stiletto come back and didn't believe it at first but they are everywhere!

I absolutely ADORE Joanna from Poppy's Style, she is always one step ahead of a trend and I love her for it - she's my inspiration for this post. Don't take my word for how good they can look - check her out.

So where can you buy them?

Mango - Classic White Stiletto - £59.99

M&S Platform White Stiletto (with their own twist - I like.) - £15.60

So, are you tempted to revisit your 80s past? I think I have to with the River Island beauties!



  1. Hmmmmm .. not sure! I wore them last time round and have memories of black smudges, whitener (sometimes tipp-ex!) and generally finding them impossible to keep clean. To be honest, I think I'll be giving them a miss, but unlike the dungarees, it's not a trend I hate. They're just not for me!

  2. I'll only buy if they are slightly different - ie the RI snakeskin ones. I also just wonder if I'm confident enough to embrace this second time around!!!

  3. Oh thank you lovely lady! I assure you I got my inspiration from other bloggers! I tried the River Island ones - unfortunately they didn't work for me as I have a wide foot and they are quite low cut at the front. The TopShop Gwenda in white looks amazing!



    1. oh I hate that toe thing if the shoe is too low .. hate hate hate that. What a shame because I LOVE the snakeskin element of them.

      Off to check the TS Gwenda!

  4. Love the RI ones too! Go the white stiletto - love how they looked on Joanna...would never have thought they could work but they do! x

    1. exactly, in theory they shouldn't work but they do!

  5. I was about to say never ever ever, and then I realised, I have a pair that I wear all the time, they are white and beaded and most definitely stilettos, I've just never thought of them in that way, I bought them for about a tenner on ebay and they are by the amazing Rene Caovilla totally beautiful and the £500+ saving has misted my vision, but still white stilettos they are!

    1. oooh they sound heavenly - do you have a pic?

  6. I'm liking them too but I've been back onto the pointed toe look recently so any colour will do for me in a point, but white definitely would be versatile. Must get trying some on and see how I feel!
